Six days ago I added 4 drops of Wild Oil of Oregano to about 4
ounces of Sesame Oil. At first my gums felt "itchy". Not sure how to explain it. Sort of like what my gums feel like after camping for a week, and forgetting to bring my toothbrush. The feeling has been reduced substantially, but still have a slight feeling of it. That bottle is almost empty, and have added 10 drops to 8
ounces of a new bottle of Sesame Oil.
What has been everyone else's experiences been when they first started out with OOO in their OP oil?
Does anyone have a formula where you start reaching diminishing returns on OOO?
I assume the "itchy" feeling was a detox symptom. My gums still feel great, and maybe a little more pinker.
I did take a close look this morning. I think my teeth are whiter after OPing for six weeks.
I've had a strong metallic taste in my mouth the last two days. However, I've also been Kidney Cleansing for 3 days, eating/juicing high alkaloid fruits and vegetables, and adding about 10 drops of the Wild OOO to the juice.