Liver problems make your diet a very big deal! Digestion is already compromised by the dysfunction of the liver and gallbladder.
The advice already given here on colon cleansing ... I'm in TOTAL agreement.
The easiest thing on the digestive system is fruit juice, it doesn't have to be digested, only absorbed if you "chew" your juice. Mixing it with salvia it gets what it needs to break it down and it's then readily available to your body.
Next would be green juices ... dark leafy veggie juices, mix with sour or sweet fruit if you don't like the bitter taste of the green juice.
Next step up, would be smoothies made with fruit, then green smoothies. These have the fiber and do take some digestion, but your body needs fiber too. Made into smoothies everything is broken down into fine fiber.
Next: fruits are easily digested, especially if well chewed. A mono-fruit meal can give a person unbelievable energy. My favorite is to sit down with a whole pineapple and eat til I don't want any more ... give it a try.
Green salads with things like garlic, onion, ginger, red peppers can give you an energy rush also.
Digestion uses a lot of energy. While you're trying to get well, give your system as much of a break as you can with the above suggestion.
Mucusless diet and proper food combining can save you pain: