Yes, I did...ggg. I am happy for your success
in shifting your symptoms~!
No, your body will tell you when you have reached
a limit where you need to back off of the cayenne.
It can vary although if you have become used to
it, you will not notice the heat at all and can
tolerate a lot. I think I discovered my limit at
1-2 teaspoons in a glass of the lemonade. Once it
begins to burn coming out the other end, I know
its time to back off. If I feel any kind of blockage
at all, I dose with liquid cayenne tincture in water
and probably should do that more, not because I have
blockages, but because it is so healing relative
to regenerating tissue etc.
I really try to use cayenne a lot in my everyday
food. You need to add it after cooking though as
heat affects its medicinal properties. All my
pepper shakers are now filled with cayenne and I
shake it on eggs, salads, and rice etc. I just made
about 4
quarts of kimchi which is fermented with
cayenne and ginger and garlic, so another yummy
way to get cayenne in. The lemonade is a wonderful
cayenne delivery system...ggg. Do not worry though
that you are in any way harming yourself. There is
tons of info online to reassure you. Do peek into
Risingsun's Cayenne Research Blog and of course
Dr. Schulze and Dr. Christopher promote it. I have
heard it said if you could only pick ONE herb, that
you can do no better than cayenne for its overall
benefits. I have a love affair with it and am
really glad I was exposed to its benefits.
Here is another fabulous link~~!
Best wishes,