>>Hey this is about God so don't read this is you're not into it...<<
Interesting topic here...I've read Slyvia Browne's books and she's been way off on some of her stuff so be careful. As a matter of fact she was in the news several months ago because of something she said that caused some problems for her groupees but they later gave her a pass she's always on Montel's show. Don't you wish she was an actress with that voice? She'd be so good!
Anyhoo, Jesus, if you read the Bible, cast SEVEN demons out of Mary Magdalen who was a bit of a naughty girl. Hmm, lets see, 7 demons...? I guess she was posessed! If you study history, there's an indication Jesus and Mary were cousins.
It's interesting to me that when people lead lives of holiness, chastity, charity and live clean, they don't have the same desires as those who don't. And those who don't also are making a choice, unfortunately, they also choose to see things through their eyes and project their ideas, desires and intentions on those who live diametrically opposed to them, which is fine, we're all entitled to our opinions and observations - but why criticize?
If you've ever been around people who are holy, it's powerful, clear, unmistakable, and obvious, and if someone heals, cures or delivers another person from a disease or replaces a limb miraculously, or exorcises 7 demons from you - number 1, you're in your right mind and you're able to understand what happened because immediately you're filled with The Holy spirit who brings self-clarity and revelation, understanding, wisdom and love...did I mention peace? :)
Mary Magdalen was filled with the Holy Spirit and we all heard before that it transforms you from the inside out...opposed to 7 un-holy ones causing her to have a good old time, according to her thinking until she was dragged before Him and transformed.The funny part is JESUS didn't judge her, remember? He delivered her. THE TOWN WANTED TO KILL HER but He didn't. When anybody encounters holiness, it's powerful! Period! And I'm not talking about chanting about a new car here. I'm talking spiritual realities - not metaphysical principles.
Number two you'd recognize WHO that person really is because the Holy Spirit took the scales of blindness away and allowed your true eyes to be opened - the delivered soul's eyes can truly see who delivered her and WHO HE really is which is why she addressed Him as Rabbi, not Honey J - or the like. :)
I really doubt if you're healed and delivered in this manner, that you'd want to start humping somebody that just delivered you from the hump spirit, unless Jesus was really nuts and wanted her to be re-possessed so he could ravish her? Sounds as sane as the Da Vinci Code to me.
It's comical how people create God in their own image. If He was a master then He wasn't God or "a" god. He came to do a job that He planned before the foundation of the earth itself was layed.
Also, if anyone REALLY wants to know the truth and get away (even for an hour?)from the "masters" and eastern philosophy, just ask The Father who Jesus is. Is He nuts? A demon? Master? Idiot?
What have you got to lose? "God, if you're out there who in the hell is JESUS?" ask something like that...but be ready for an answer! If you read the Bible along with your other books, in time, you'll hear that silent voice that speaks volumes and has more nuclear power than anything on earth since you're born into the most powerful force on the planet, which is unending LOVE!
One mo thing! He resurrected! After chilling, walking, preaching, eating, talking laughing and instructing for over a month! That's a long time! When He did ascend -He said He'd be back and where He went was to prepare a place FOR US!
Hey, I'm not worried if you think He's nuts or not because no man or woman goes to God unless the Holy Spirit calls them but remember something. For people like me with all the joys and downers of life, life is pretty good but it's the only hell I'll ever see and experience.
For others with all the joys and downers of life it's the only heaven you'll experience and we know, life is gone in the blink of an eye. If I'm wrong, at least I lived a good life and still have beauty, laughter, and joy and when I get a little crazy, I have a Father who forgives me so I consider that - Fire Insurance.
For folks who don't know Jesus I'm really horrified for you...
Why would God not want us to sin if sin was a good thing? The cool part is He LOVES the sin away the way your favorite person fills your heart with fullness when they're near you. There's an anticipation and joy and feeling of fulfillment and the ugly stuff kind of falls to the wayside. So why would a Holy Trinity create you and want you to be junk or to see you dead? If you think God is pointing a bony finger of judgement, you're so wrong but you did do something very popular...you bought what Adam and Eve bought...The Lie from Lucifer which caused them to fall.
LUCIFER means LIGHT! He was the most beautiful angel in the Universes and was very high in power. His time is very short. That's why we're seeing all this insanity on TV, crime, floods, fires, wars, disease, you name it. So if I'm Lucifer and if I'm pissed off, why, knowing what Lucifer knows, why wouldn't he allow his demons to deceive you with addictive promises including telling the future like Sylia Browne?
It's easy for them to create any image you can conceive and lead you to believe it's who you want it to be. They're good at tempting you to have faith in them and lead you into dependency until (like Dracula, remember?)you invite them in by opening yourself up and that's bad news.
It's time you asked yourself who is Jesus anyway? Remember, eternity is a looooong time to wish you weren't deceived. And guess who you'll be serving while you're there? uh huh!
Few more things:
Jesus came to fulfill the law that man couldn't since the fall of Adam - I guess He could have married Mary but He didn't. He wasn't born to come here, get married, throw down some brewskies and fly away.
So either He's nuts or He's GOd! There is no gray area - there is NO master - guru with Jesus Christ of Nazareth. It comes to one thing...sin. And that's really hard because folks can't accept it's possibility. No biggee to me but there's one thing I always wonder...
If Jesus is The Son of God and no man/woman can get to The Father except through Jesus then we're in deep doo doo.
If one asks, one receives, however, nobody gets to the Father except through the Son and that's why Christ after His resurrection stayed on earth eating, drinking and walking through walls but He said He had to leave because if He did't HE wouldn't be able to send the Holy Spirit which is another person of the Godhead who Convicts people or opens their eyes to their need of a savior...Jesus.
To look at the stars and not want that same power and creation factor alive inside you changing you baffles me.
If on the other hand you haven't thought about it, don't take my word for it just ask and expect answers. Take care!