In lieu of all the wonderful people seeking help here, and the wonderful folks trying to help, there's something that really needs to be addressed here.
Especially during the detox stage of beginning
Iodine therapy a highly simplified diet is incredibly important. Whether or not one can handle a lot or a little iodine, vitamin C, selenium, salt, potassium, what-have-you, one MUST eat simply if they want to get past all this detox.
The detox alone can be maddening for quite a few. A little
Iodine does seem to have a strong effect on some (it was for me in the beginning) and I must say here that a big part of my own problem...
was my DIET! What I ate had a huge impact on my success or lack thereof!
Whenever I simplified my diet, like eating very very little simple meals, and very small portions, JUST ENOUGH to satisfy hunger and NO MORE -
I did better.
Just like most others, I had a rough time getting through the holidays because it is SOOOOO food-orientated. I "went backwards" in my health (specifically thyroid, for me).
Now that it's a New Year I'm doing better. January first (almost
always) finds me starting out with that resolution to eat better.
My meals are breakfast, lunch, and dinner - but no more than what would fit into a 6 ounce cup. (3/4 cup).
I feel fantastic.
One month ago I felt crappy as hell-o!
Yes, it's that important.