Reading this forum for the last few months has been a true gift, a lifesaver that has helped guide me when I was in utter desperation. Hopefully this will not be too long...I first became ill in 1975 in Hawaii. I lived in a tent and received a couple of hundred spider and mosquito bites which became infected with staff strep impetigo. After all that my health fell apart and I have lived each and everyday since ill. Making a very long and complicated story short, according to the doctors I consulted in the 70's I had multiple allergies and hypoglycemia. In the 80's I received a brown recluse spider bite and slid way downhill, unable even to care for my children. In the early 90's I found a remarkable doctor in calif who diagnosed a huge giardia infection, huge overgrowth of candida, and off the charts epstein-barr antiboties. My entire adult life has been a constant struggle! ...then it got really interesting when five years ago my family and I were poisoned by misapplied carpet chemicals. This experience opened up a large increase not only in chemical sensitivities, but recurring systemic bacteial infections. I also now know that poisoning opened the door for the worms to multiply and become overwhelming, I became terribly constantly ill. I went to a famous lyme literate doctor who of course diagnosed lyme and associated coinfections. As a precautionary measure he gave me two rounds of biltricide thinking that would take care of any worm problems that might exist. When all his help didn't cause real change, a dear friend realizing at the rate my illness was going that I might die gave me a frequency machine. The first two months of using this machine and I thought it was a miracle, that my lost life had been given back, I felt SO good, that's when it really got interesting. After the initial few months of feeling unbelieveably good, my body broke out in aggressive die-off and constant infections, in my teeth where I had crown's, in my intestines and rectum, and vagina. That year of illness shattered me emotionally, the pain on so many levels left me truly in despair, but it also exposed the number of worms I had growing. I believe the frequency machine created a huge "kill" and a major reaction in the worms, bacteria, yeast and viral balance, a full out war began, no going back. Then I reflected that in fact I was born on a midwest farm witout hot water or a bathroom. There was livestock and I remember playing outside on the ground...I could only speculate that I've been compromised my entire life and all the other illnesses have grown "in the garden prepared by the worms". My specific questions currently are around what I'm seeing in the toilet. I'd been observing weird stuff for the last couple of years and explaining it away as "mucus". Then last april I passed a good 12
inch cooked spaghetti sized worm and it was a revelation! (I'm assuming round worm here) the subsequent months I have been passing dead worms with constant regularity. I've been doing rounds of Source Natural ParaPhyte, oregano oil, olive leaf, msm, coconut oil, and vermox. For months I have passed obvious roundworms, sometimes even in bolus formation.Once I thought I might have passed the head of a tapeworm, (I always had inexplicable uncontrollable iron anemia). I've saved this head and some of the round worms in bottles of alcohol. But, even though where I live has one of the best
parasite labs listed they told me they don't know what the worms look like to identify them, they need stool samples to look for eggs to determine the type of parasite! This is ridiculous. What I would love to learn here is if anyone knows what would look like a large corn kernal or cucumber seed or cantalope seed? I've passed about 5 of these obviously in slightly different stages of developement during the last month or so. One came out and it was in good shape so for the first time I put on some rubber gloves and checked it out. It seemed to shrivel and deflate the longer it was exposed to air, but it.looked somewhat like a water soaked corn kernal with an opening on the narrow end, like it was attached to something, the outside skin actually looked like it was slightly hard, like a shell. it even reminded me of the the ticks that were swollen with blood I used to take off my dog. The other strange elimination was just last week, this stuff came out on three occasions and I haven't seen any since. very unique, it appeared to be rather clear mucus with odd dark specks spread throughout. I realized upon examining it more closely that there was definite consistent shapes to the mucus, small maybe nickle sized blobs of clearish transparent mucus stuff which contained a uniform and regular repeating pattern of dark specks inside. This is hard to describe, but it isn't regular mucus, coud it be newly hatched babies? I hope someone has a good theory or idea of what these might be. Many thanks to all. .
uniformity that implied it wasn't mucus and the dark spots had regularity within the mucusey substance. It actually reminded of just born spiders I see out in the springtime.. Could this be babies? Could the other be tape or hookworm "cysts". I truly appeciate all of the stories that are shared here. There are many brave and intelligent people struggling with these very real difficulties.