No, TENS unit is influence on nerves in order to mask the nerve signals send to the brain that there is a pain. It is working as local anesthetic, but instead of disabling the nerve it is using it as a wire to send nerve-like signal to the brain masking the original one. It is known, that every organ has it's nerves projected on the skin. That points of projection are called in many different ways - biologically active points, accupuncture points, etc. Putting the electrodes of TENS on these points you are masking the pain you feel on the place on the skin OR the organ "projected" on that points. Other devices, such as Scenar, are using similar technique as TENS, but instead of masking the pain, the signal modulated by the device is stimulating the body to react and heal the respective organ or system. All these devices are using nerve-like impulses with much more complexity.
Zapper, in other hand, is a device claimed to influence directly the microorganism in the human body and eliminating them by causing resonant vibrations leading to destruction. It is claimed, that every microorganism is influenced no matter is it worm, bacteria or virus (which is interesting, since their size differs thousands of times, moreover the virus is not a living organism, but a piece of DNA incorporated in living organisms like bacteria or even human body cells) and the human cells remain unharmed. Anyway, it is producing totally different signal than TENS (much more simple and weaker), but it is mono-polar. Zapper is extremely simple device, there are tens of free schematics (just google "clark zapper circuit" or buy some of the Clark books, where the original circuit is published) on the net and for few bucks you can ask some technician to do it for you. Of course you can buy some of the widely marketed devices here on forum, but keep in mind, that the device is not proved to work by any official scientific evidence and it is your decision to rely on the claims or testimonials. Some health-authorities (not in USA) are authorized Zappers to be sold as safe devices that can not cause harm on you, but do not guarantee any healing effect from them.
Btw, I saw a big discussion on the runet, and some people come to the conclusion, that Zapper is actually influencing again the accupuncture points by doing a kind of mild electro-accuponcture, and since all the organs are "projected" on the palms and foots, it is working as a fell-good device for many conditions (in most zappers you hold handholds or step on footpads). But that is another story :)
Conclusion : if the Zapper is doing what it claims, the TENS is NOT working as a zapper. :)