What a kind, thoughtful, and generous man!
That must give you a wonderful boost, and he will probably want to hear your successes.
I see several obstacles with 'testing'...
... Dr. Emoto suggests that we may become discouraged if we are making changes where we can't immediately see the results with the naked eye.
... I think all forms of muscle-testing require PRACTICE, before they show themselves to be reliable. It's a 'learning curve', I believe.
... I also think that few people realize that kinesiology includes GIVING energy; and leads me to believe that we can 'bless' (thank/appreciate/love) everything; perhaps even changing the very nature of poisons...and from a distance. I remember the beautiful water crystals Dr. Emoto gets from water that was once polluted with heaven knows what; changed by beautiful words/sounds.
... Everyone dislikes being called silly. So, we keep quiet, or maybe even stop our efforts. To tell you the truth, although I KNOW that full-body testing works, my efforts at home were less than solid proof. (Self-doubt?) I'd prefer to have an experienced person with me, or a group of beginners.
... There are various protocols recommended, depending on the beliefs of the teacher. I've been taught that one doesn't ask questions, but must make statements that can show yes/no, true/false, or agree/disagree responses. Constructing the statements can be a bother. 'Forgetting' to do the procedure can be an obstacle.
You were feeling bad enough to try. You were willing to prepare your own food, with great care. And you were rewarded with sparkling health, once you got your testing down pat.
Most of us are smack in the middle of trying one protocol after another, learning as we go. I think it may be quite difficult to get away from the standard 'medical' concept of 'treating' each symptom or body system separately, thinking that some potion, procedure, or food needs to be ADDED.
We are encouraged to think that, if we are ill, it must be OUR OWN FAULT. Hah!
(I've read that even Dr. Spock has apologized for some of the things he taught about the care of babies. Maybe the idea of bottle-feeding? No one told me that the Chinese used to chew food and put it into the toddler's mouth from their own, for digestive enzymes. Or that an adoptive mother could breast-feed...or possibly even an adoptive father. All of our four children are adopted, though only one was in my care [blended adoptive families]. And I read Dr. Spock from cover to cover. Grrrr!)
Speaking of babies, we are all as 'new' to health care as young parents are to their babe. With little good example, experience, or training, it's a scary prospect.
So, a confession...
...I am addicted to cigarettes.
I have struggled for years with the reason 'why'. (It has to be my own fault, right?!)
I've read on and on about harmful 'additives' (including chocolate!) to tobacco, but it never dawned on me that certain chemicals could be scattered throughout our consumables, and force us to get our daily 'fix'. When I've tried to stop, I've run straight into the 'jitters' and a compulsive appetite. (Sound familiar?)
Since overweight is already a nasty obstacle, and also 'my fault', I just couldn't stick with it. My dear husband even suggests I have a cigarette when I get 'antsy'.
Round and round goes the merrygoround.
Until I read your first post, Kalliopi.
So, here I am, reading and re-reading everything on the CureZone and off that seems remotely connected.
Can I commit to a major alteration of lifestyle? Can I get co-operation from my family?
They eat terribly, and I don't like rocking the boat. They all know what I prefer, but won't supply it often. My husband does our shopping and cooking and buys me expensive delicacies often. Many times we cook entirely different meals for ourselves...although he tries new dishes to please me but eats only a little of it himself. I think he likes my praise.
Probably the single most discouraging thing in my life, ever, has been to fail in my own eyes. (I'm a lover, not a fighter. He-he.)
I want to talk to my kinesiologist friend. I want a treatment that will ease my feelings. Maybe I'll just go to sleep for a week. I never smoke when I sleep!
And there is a great detox salt bath described in the Bath forum. It's equal to a three-day fast, they say. It makes sense to me.
Oh dear! I think I'm chicken...afraid to fail once more. Getting rid of addictions is going to HURT, isn't it?! And, everyone is going to say, "I told you so!"
Except you, dear Kalliopi.
Your grateful and ambiguous friend,