"At how many drops do you not experience ANY detox symptoms?"
The detox appears to be cyclical. There was that week when I first started the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , starting out at 2 drops 2x per day and got little to no herxing. The 2nd week is when it hit hard, so I immediatedly stopped the drops for 1 day. The following day I went to 6 drops. Still experienced D & nausea - no headaches/sinus. Then as the holiday season approached, I went down to 3 drops 1 x per day. That's when the copious D started alongside the plugged ears & sinuses???? This is mysterious or it may be that as the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement 'settles in' to the systems various cellular/joint/organ systems various microbes are affected. The human body is so complex...it might take a biochemist to explain all this! Vulcanel is a chemist, perhaps he could be brought in on this!
"It is my current run of thought that whatever drop amount that is, where you or I are experiencing no symptoms, no detox reactions, no bloating, no nausea, etc. THAT is where we all need to kick back to and hold it there 2 to 3 times a day."
Agreed, however it seems that at even reduced dosages (3 x once per day), that it whacks me on some days, and nothing on other days. ??????? Today I did 2 drops and I'm still experiencing the congestion, however no vomitting, and the D is still occurring as well.
"And not just for a few days or a week either. Maybe hold it there for months."
I'm going to stick with 2 drops 1 x per day for a couple of weeks and see what happens. It's puzzling to me because I've been taking kidney cleanse, castor oil flushes, dewormers, LBB to keep the bowels open, and
Iodine (Lugol's) for nearly 1 year, and STILL the body reacts massively to detox. Just what the hell is in me, already? ;-)