Your predicament is certainly not about martrydom or depriving you of joy. To be directed when young to the need to find physical healing is something most all older people would trade in a moment for all the youthfull diversions called excitment, that had been enjoyed while young, if they could learn the ins and outs of true health.
If your basic complaint is your digestive system, then ,simply, the less you make it work the sooner it will heal. If you are toxified by chemicals or metals, that will have to be dealt with accordingly. If you are feeling low, find the way to feel more vital.
Easy to say but this is one of our choices.
You can use many foods that do not need digestion,( I know youve been attempting this and now you are refining your understanding as to what is appropriate or not) like the fresh grass juice, honey and pollen , ect. Ut is an assist as all the herbs are, as all tecniques are, gross or subtle. The bodies natural systems are the healers, the rebuilders, the rejuvenators.
You will still need to be regular w elimination , whether w herbs or enemas. Colon washing can be helpful in relieving stress when feeling bad. But study this fully before you attempt it. You should also know you can feed yourself w enemas very succesfully.
Dont forget the blood cleansing herbs also as an aid to this whole process. Clean blood is very important and why so many have different experiences with healing attempts.
Breathwork can be hard when you are feeling low but it will really help your whole system if pursued.It will raise your energy and assist the cleanse as powerfully as many other tecniques.
I think the good advise is ,do as you have been doing,study what the adept healers share, figure it out, dont give up,dont repress or suppress the situation, cause if we do, it only gets worse and we find ourselves right back at the starting gate again.(especially if we pass on wout dealing approriately)
There is supreme reasoning behind all we experience and the outcome of uncovering what is hiding that supreme reasoning, be it illness, confusion, egoity, ect, will reveal a joy in living that cannot be purchased nor is it particularly available to the young . It is the reality suffusing all tracts of this physical life and when rediscovered, it's completness far outweighs the struggle with the suffering we went thru.