It has nothing to do with looking like Sam Elliot and don't even think I look like Sam Elliot, like you say that would mean I look old. I do have some grey in my side burns, my beard (if you can call it that). grows out mostly gray, which I can't grow a good beard so I don't try once in awhile I get lazy and don't shave for a couple weeks.
I am not totally 100% fruit and have not been that way for all that long still have metal in my mouth( sorry MH my bad). But I am still way more clean than most all of the people here in Northwest Iowa, home of cows,pigs, and corn, pizzas, fast food, coffee, meat white sugar, white bread,processed food, three meals a day, pop, candy, alchol street drugs prescirtion drugs, sparkle box watchers Do I dare say this? Is it possible that they are blinded by my light (energy) and not sure what they see or feel (sense).
I don't like standing out and am not out flawnting it, although I do like to experiment and kind of get a kick out of it sometimes. I am still human jsut have such a different energy than most here. I abused my body for alot of years and still am not perfect.
I have said it before I eat a male blck walnut bud everyday and take a dropper of the tinure with some other goodies in it and I believe it has alot to do with the energy I put off. Think about it, this huge tree is about to release all of its reproductive energy through this bud on top of it, but MH snags it before it unloads and preserves it then one injests it in there body and with good absorbsive abilties and a good clean blood stream?
I hope I am not coming across as egotistic cause that is not what this is about