Hello anyone whose done a
parasite cleanse and a colon cleanse!
I did the Para-Rid and Para-Stroy. At the end got some darker twisty type BMs which were only 3-4" long. Lots of them. Doesn't seem like the desription of the mucoid plaque, but do seem like what someone called 'divers'.
Now I'm doing the "Super Colon Cleanse" and Cascara Sagrada Bark. This means 3G of psyllum husk and 1725 mg Senna and 1350 mg of Cascara per day. Anyone know how long this might take to be effective? The site for Huma-Cleanse says 10G psyllum husk, 10 mg senna and 10 mg cascara for THIRTY DAYS!
So far, I've noticed ragged, shredded looking BMs with little white bits in them, so BB sized. They look like undigested peanuts or something. Anybody know what this is? Is this what psyllum husk looks like "at the other end" or what?