The virus that causes a "cold" thrives at about 96 degrees. That's why they call it a cold. When body temperature falls to 96 the viruses take off and the next day you have a cold. Of course viruses hate heat so the body will get a fever to combat the cold virus. While you have the fever - don't eat, when the fever breaks - eat. Starve a fever - feed a cold.
One of the reasons I tease about my cure-all, Buffalo wings and whiskey, is because it does work quite well on fevers, especially a cold, and the flu.
A cold should last only three days. The second day being the most miserable. Puffs Plus with the aloe vera is great for the nose. Anything with tomatoes is great and the cheyenne pepper helps kill the viruses. Otherwise anything with eucaliptis in it serves quite well to try to keep the nose open. I use a product called Sun Breeze balm. A product of Sunrider Manufacturing.
If you try the otc cold remedies you'll just prolong the cold.
One of my patients does the colloidal silver up the nose. Puts it in one of those nasal spray bottles. Works quite well. There are many helpful hints peope have discovered over the years. Find out what works for you. Of course the best way is to not get chilled in the first place but once you have it plan on three days and only day 2 is really bad. Go with the tomato soup, cheyenne pepper and a shot of whiskey will help also. No drugs. You can handle three days.
Standard Process has an excellent product called Echinacia C that works great to give your immune system a little bump up. Otherwise the synthetic vitamins do pretty much the same thing as the OTC drugs. Just prolong the issie. Mega dosages of Vit C are NOT good. It's synthetic.
Clarks handhelp zapper works quite well at killing viruses also. But even so the cold will still last three days.
Try to enjoy the misery, you know, play it up, make people feel sorry for you because you know darn well they've been where you're at.
Doc Sutter