I never had menstrual cramps. I was a vegetarian, so that may have been part of the reason, but when I started eating meat again, I got very bad cramps. I know a lot of woman have these, but I had never had such a problem! Almost dieing? This couldn't be right! Anyway, when I got back to Zapping after forgetting for a long while, I think for a cold, I noticed the cramps did not come that month or the next... Well, again I forgot about Zapping and after several months they returned, and I remembered I had better Zap. So, I started Zapping again and they went away again. Now I try to zap every day for more reasons, I work at a coffee shop now and come in contact with a lot of milk products etc so
parasites are inevitable. I do get slight cramps sometimes these days, and I think I have a toxic load of wood alcohol and other solvants in me. If I Zap constantly, I do not have a problem. I will need to do some clean up to avoid this reinfection.