Hi crzyakta,
Your question: ML...I understand what you are saying, however I think this is more of just a freak injury, and not really me being over acidic (though I have been alkalizing for about 6.5 months)
I read that Cubital Tunnel Syndrome occurs alot from awkward sleep positions...and even the night prior to the pinched nerve, I felt it getting numb in the middle of the night..and woke up w/ the nerve being pinched
ML I will try more baths...would massages help or just make it worse?
Answer: Maybe one needs to consider what an injury does to the body ?
Does an injury Cause us to become more Alkaline or more Acid ?
Does an injury cause us Stress ?
Does an injury cause the Tissue of the body to need repairing when the Tissue is Damaged ?
What does the Tissue need to repair a physical Damage ?
Do you begin to get the idea ?
Any physical injury may Cause the injured area of the body to need more Oxygen, because it is now more Acidic from the injury !
And unless this physical Tissue injury gets the needed Alkaline Minewrals, so that it may Rebuild this Damaged Tissue with "New" Cells, then this area of the body may stay too Acidic, thus allowing for problems to come and go as the Acidity varies in concentration !
When one sleeps in a position, which cuts off the flow of blood, thus the delivery of Oxygen to areas of the body, then these areas of the body may then become more Acidic !
Smile Tis your choice.