Thanks for the info Gilda. I was on
Antibiotics for about 10 years and while they weren't the strongest, there were a number of different types. I don't remember what they were, but I do remember switching to a lot of different ones. I'm sure that has really screwed up my system.
I do have a couple more questions if you don't mind.
1. How long was it before your skin started clearing up on your protocol?
2. This protocol has obviously not stopped you from breaking out since you still have to take it as a maintenance, but to what degree would you say it has helped you? 50% improvement, 75%? (Yeah, I'm hoping for high numbers).
3. I have a white coated tongue. I use that as the "litmus test" for all of the cleansing programs I have tried. None ever got rid of the coating, so I can only assume that they never actually could work on Candida and therefore were a waste of money. Did you have a coated tongue, if so, does your protocol help with that?
4. Do you take a probiotic?
I have not heard of the biofeedback computer, but I will investigate it.
Two weeks ago I started doing something so overly simplistic. I don't eat great (meat and potatoes guy, but no fast food, coffee, sodas, candy or other refined sugars) but, I don't eat the worst either. One day I decided to buy some fairly expensive fiber mix. It has a lot of good stuff in it including a non-acidic form of Vitamin C. I have ALWAYS avoided C because it would make me break out badly. Sure enough, two weeks into I was not looking too good. The funny thing, tho, is that I was breaking out with
Acne that never really finished it's cycle. They were just under the skin. So I decided to take a Centrum multi-vitamin with the fiber and needless to say I'm looking pretty awful right now. My point is, is that maybe the C is what I've needed all along since my body was not doing enough to get rid of the waste from my body. I am somewhat hopeful with this because my face is breaking out in specific areas. It started on my cheeks, which has subsided and now is on my chin and around my mouth. The area around my cheeks does not feel inflamed anymore, but I am also expecting to go in "rounds" with this. I hope it works because I'm not crazy about looking like this and I know I will have some bad scarring from this, but I would like to know once and for all.
Again, thanks for your help.