Yes, I think so, Fearless.
What I have found so fascinating though is how much good we are getting from our food, even DURING a round of Humaworm! I go through a number of periods where I feel fabulous!
I figure that...
...My current food is so loaded with the good stuff that I can't avoid it,
...I have stored up the good stuff for years, or,
...Humaworm is carefully measured to do just enough 'housecleaning' to benefit us.
Possibly all three of these things are happening at the same time...and it's quite likely, to my mind, that there is far more going on than I have ever thought of.
That first round of Humaworm is so very exciting, simply because we DON'T know what will 'happen', or when.
Sometimes we wonder if it is even 'working', when we don't get an immediate reaction. And, other times we are so astonished at the effects that we wonder if we should continue.
But, I promise you is a learning experience, one we have not seen before. I didn't know just how much my body has been protecting me from all these years.
(I will be 70 next March. Though I feel no more than 30, and always have. That's the real secret about 'aging'.)
And, we are always 'in charge'. Our immune systems and good sense are powerful forces.
Would you believe that I started my first round of Humaworm with doses of 1/4 capsule each time? Just in case.
That wasn't the least bit necessary, I must assure you...I am just a stickler for caution.
I read and read the website and this forum...looking for gaps in logic and 'proofs' of efficacy.
Do you know one thing that gave me confidence? Christmas baking! I've added lots of stuff to holiday goodies that, depending on how much a person eats of it at one time, could bowl over a 250 pound man!
Steamed puddings and cakes have never made me sick...that I know of, so why not take a chance? I mean, look at all the unknown stuff we ingest every day.
I will never again knowingly eat good sense is alive and well. And I avoid iodized salt at every opportunity. I went through the introduction of 'iodine', in tablet form, in grade school...before they started adding it to the salt. Even then, I didn't believe. Today I eat more and more dried kelp, and I'm eyeing up other 'sea veggies'.
Even when Humaworm didn't show me critters in the bowl (I've not seen anything that was 'proof positive'), I know with absolute certainty that the microscopic kind left my body. There was just no mistaking that decrease of ammonia.
My 'mistake', of course, was in underestimating the need for full evacuation of the bowels, daily. My movements were sluggish, and incomplete. I've done the magnesium thing, and have never liked it. More recently I take tiny sips of castor oil, cautiously, and have had improvement. I've also decided that my liver needs flushing so that the bile flows better.
I would suggest that a person experiment a little with liver flushing BEFORE Humaworm, and, perhaps, afterward, too...the whole point being to get the best bowel movements moving all toxins and wastes out, as quickly as seems reasonable. Diet helps, too, I believe...and wholesome herbals to a gentle degree.
Every improvement, gently done, helps. Rhythmic activity, and lots of sleep, after dark, are two biggies. Even mom and dad's admonishments to 'sit up straight' are important...though I'd read about the Alexander Technique, first.
We are retraining our systems here, NOT popping 'pills'.
Reading has become my best friend...though it is better to get up and run around the house, or the block, every once in a while.
And, whatever else you do, smile at yourself, your organs...whether you feel like it or not. Just do it. You can't guess how powerful that is.
My best,