Hi Superhero
Thank you for the long description of your daughter’s visual blackouts.
What I would suggest it could be is that your daughter is experiencing some of the New Consciousness experiences of the Indigo and Star Children. If you would like to watch a movie about it? I would recommend the following movies that can be got on DVD.
"Indigo Evolution" or "what the bleep"
What I feel your daughter may be experiencing is the start of this new awakening. Your daughter may be getting experiences of going between dimensions into different realities for a few seconds at a time.
This is not a disease or an illness it is a waking of human consciousness into the possibilities that there is more to life than we are currently aware off. Your daughter is very special and should be allowed to develop her gifts, without you or anyone else making her wrong.
I suggest you let her go and see these films, as I think they will resonate with her and it could explain a lot of other experiences she is having but is too shy to mention.
I do not feel these experiences are anything you should be concerned about and I do not think you will find a cure for it, without coursing major side effects.
Acknowledge that you are aware of her experience and see if you can find other children in your area who are going through similar experiences. You may come across these children if you go to one of the: “The Indigo Evolution” A documentary on Indigo children – premiering January 27th - 29th, 2006 Approx. 80 minutes; please click on the link at this web site for details: of showings near to where you live or organise your own showing.
Your daughter could also try to do the Yoga Eye Exercises, these are explained on this link, which I got from a search engine:
Please let me know how you daughter gets on.