Hi Pioneer1,
I haven't used tinctures. If you click on the links regarding the Japanese research, and look around that website, they might. I've always used bagged tea leaves, so I'm not much help here. They key seems to be in mgs/day - which you could find, whether in tincture or loose leaf/teabag form.
I can guarantee you, if you drink enough of this tea, your blood
Sugar will go down. So, since you are diabetic, I'd recommend a glucose test after 4 cups, and then monitor as you go. Of course, you know the signs of low blood
Sugar - white face, dark under the eyes, shaky hands, kind of panicky feeling if it's way down. The Japanese researchers described how many mgs they used with their Diabetes II patients, and they were being cautious not to overdue it.
I'd recommend, if you're interested in a thorough kidney cleanse, use something to dissolve stones first (like banaba tea) and then follow up with a herbal supplement. You want the kidney tubing cleared of stones before the kidney tissues dump toxins into them, otherwise you will wind up with autotoxification - the toxins can't get out and are reabsorbed, causing new problems.
It's the same with liver cleansing: Get the stones out first, before using herbal cleansers like milk thistle.
Just my opinion!