Hi #87800,
I am sorry to hear that you have been diagnosed with herpes, it is common to have lots of questions and one of the most common is "how did I contract this virus?".
If your partner has tested negative to the Herpes virus there are a couple of possibilities as to why.
1) If your partner has only recently contracted the virus himself, the antibodies which a herpes blood test are designed to look for may not be created by the body yet.
It can take up to 16 weeks for the body to begin to produce antibodies to the herpes virus. If the test was taken too early it is possible that these antibodies will not yet show up, hence a negative diagnosis. To help eliminate this possibility, you may like to suggest that your partner get re-tested in 2 to 3 months time.
2) Your partner may not have contracted the herpes virus. In this case, it is possible that you could have caught the virus at some other time in your life from another person.
The herpes virus can be inactive for long periods of time (from months to years) and may decide to "show up" and cause symptoms at a time when your immune system is vulnerable, such as if you have been sick, under stress or some other factor which could trigger an outbreak.
The other alternative is that you may have experienced symptoms previously that were so mild (such as a pimple, cut or rash) that you did not think anything of at the time and did not identify as being herpes or an "outbreak".
3) Was the blood test "type-specific"? In other words, was your partner's blood test one that could tell the difference between Herpes simplex virus Type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV-2 antibodies. Anyone who has ever had a cold sore will most likely have HSV Type 1 antibodies, whereas HSV Type 2 antibodies are normally indicative of genital herpes. The test cannot tell you where the location exists but it is helpful to know which strand of the virus has caused the infection.
If you are interested in learning more about the two different types of the Herpes simplex virus this article will be very helpful to you: http://www.herpes-coldsores.com/herpes_simplex_1_and_2.htm
The first outbreak is normally the worst because your body has not yet built up antibodies to the virus. Thus, if there is a recurrence it is normally less severe. However, the virus reacts differently for each person and the outbreak pattern is largely connected to your immune system.
In regards to treatment, suppressive therapies (such as Valtrex, Acyclovir and Famvir) all work in a similar way to suppress the virus and help reduce viral replication. These drugs have not been proven to be effective if taken more than 72 hours after the symptoms begin. So to get results from an antiviral drug it is important to start the course as soon as you feel the onset of symptoms.
I would suggest that you DO NOT use Hydrogen Peroxide on a herpes outbreak as it can sometimes make the outbreak worse and irritate the situation further. If you are looking for a topical to apply to the sore to make it go away faster I would recommend trying Dynamiclear - it is specifically designed to work on HSV outbreaks and normally works very fast.
You will also find a good list of Helpful Tips to relieve the pain and discomfort here: http://www.herpes-coldsores.com/herpes_home_remedies.htm
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
Hi there #87800,
It is nice to hear from you again and I am very happy that you are finding a regime that works well for you. Each person is different and with herpes it is often a case of finding the right combination of things that work best for you.
Hydrogen peroxide can irritate an outbreak for some people and make it worse, which is why it is normally not recommended. However, it does have many benefits and it will depend on the individual as to how it is tolerated.
Olive leaf has excellent antiviral properties so it is understandable that this will help clear the infection quickly. If the frequency of your outbreaks becomes an issue then taking Olive leaf "internally", as well as a high quality Lysine supplement, may also be helpful.
Take care,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
Hi there,
Do you have a link or copy of the article that you read? I am always interested in new information and alternative treatment approaches.
Unfortunately these drugs (Valtrex, Acyclovir, Famvir, etc) can have a wide spectrum of side effects which the patient is not always made aware of by their Doctor when it is prescribed.
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team
Hi Mog,
I am not familiar with "EHS" but I find it very interesting that you suspect high frequencies to be a possible outbreak trigger. I have never come across this theory before and of course, if this is the case for you it is very difficult to avoid such frequencies in this day and age.
If you are sensitive to these types of waves it would be in your best interest to avoid or reduce them where possible; looking closely at your routine, environment and ways to mute the signals are the first considerations here.
Regarding the herpes, there are many balms, ointments and creams that claim to help with outbreaks but very few will actually inhibit the virus. Lemon balm can be helpful and has excellent antiviral properties, however, in my experience I have not found any topical product to work as dramatically and quickly as Dynamiclear. In saying that, each person is different and responds to products differently, so if you have found something that works for you that is excellent and a real accomplishment.
From my research, the Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) turns into Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) into the bloodstream, which is claimed by its marketers to support the immune system and help destroy pathogens, such as viruses.
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is suggested as an alternative to "Chlorine" in water and has a similar mode of action. It is most well known for being a sanatizer and a cleaning disinfectant. It is definitely not a chemical that I would recommend taking as an internal supplement, no matter how slick the advertising or sales pitch is.
Instead of taking these types of radical treatment approaches (that have the potential for side-effects) it is best to begin with a solid and sensible approach to strengthening your immune system and inactivating the virus. This includes:
Mog, if you are interested in these natural and effective options you can find more information here.
Warm regards,
Cindy Robinson
Herpes Support Team