Hello fellow travelers.
I just wanted to let you know that I'm having pretty good luck with the suppliments I'm taking. I'm not going after big worms right now, I'm trying to get my colon and myself in better ahpe so I can handle the next round of heavy pruging a little better.
I'm on an herbal bowel cleanse, which contains a lot of psyllun, some senna, buckthorn and oregeno. I'm supplimenting with a good set of vitamins, and I'm using turmeric and bromelian in pretty heavy amounts. Also I'm sneaking up on iodine, I'm up to a little less than .5 mg (not much at all yet). Big new, first time in years, no gas this AM. And no bloating in my upper intestine.
I am really pleased with the tumeric. It's anti-bacterial, it's an anti-parasitic, and it is an anti-inflamatory. So it kills the little buggers, and it also helps with the infection and swelling they cause by chewing on your insides. I suspect it's a good thing to add if you are purging and having a rough time of it.
I've never been able to relate to the term
parasite cleanse, I'm a hobby target shooter, I think about killing off the bad guys. Instead of a bull-eye, I think tape worm. It's just amazing how my accuracy improves.
I hope everyone it doing well, this is nasty stuff, no doubt about it.