This forum has been a real eye opener for me. I had the Mirena inserted March 2003. I experienced no problems until 2 years ago. So the first 3 years were great. I loved not having to worry about anything not even my periods. Then during the third year I started having abdominal cramping and lower back pain. During an ultrasound, my doc found an ovarian cysts. She removed the cysts, but that did not resolve my problems instead I started having more symptoms and a dozen blood tests later there is no answer to my symptoms. After reading everyone stories i think it is the IUD. I think my body doesn't process the hormones as fast as they are entering my body and my body has too much of the hormones from the IUD. I am scheduled to have the Mirena removed on Friday 4 months short of 5 years. My gyn asked if I wanted to have another one. I am not going to have the IUD replaced. I am going to go back to the pill and see if my symptoms go awayHopefully evrything will return to normal after Friday. I am still a little worried about the removal, but hopefully it will be as painless as the insertion.
I spent all weekend researching different BC options and found this site about the Mirena. the site lists 22 "possible" side effects. Well I am experiencing 15 of the 22.