I think you are right on in avoiding the liver flush, at least for now.
The most important health-giving protocol is to rely on our instincts, in my opinion. After all, that's what brought us here.
I've done the endometriosis thing, years ago, and ended up transfused and in surgery...undiagnosed, until afterward.
I know what pain is...and I thought I was 'supposed' to act like a lady. So, I DIDN'T scream and demand relief. Shoot!
Then I went to the library and read everything 'medical' I could get my hands on to find some hints on why I felt like I did...mainly terrified.
Oddly, it was a radio announcement that saved my feelings. A non-profit group in Northern California announced their belief that whatever you were feeling was normal for you.
I never did call them, but I bless their announcement to this day. That was in 1980.
It was really odd to hear that because I almost never listen to the radio. Why was I listening on that particular day?
I can only put it down to instinct.
We ask questions of the universe, and look real hard for solutions, then something gives us the very hint we need.
Now I believe that the monthly flow eliminates toxins...and will become very good at it if we have too many to eliminate. My first four or five units of blood went through me like a dose of salts. Would you believe crawling on hands and knees to the bathroom in the middle of the night, feeling labor pains?
Then I had to go into hospital early, in order to be transfused once more...so I shouldn't interfere with their surgery schedule. They are prohibited by law from operating when ones blood count is below a certain level, as mine most assuredly was. And they had to reserve one unit from their limited supply, in case I bled too much during surgery.
I didn't.
We don't consciously know all this stuff, beforehand...or when we are in the middle of a crisis.
Instinct is the only tool we have...that and reading as much as we can, and talking to others who have been through similar experiences. Then we get to judge what is for us, when.
I need to tell you that all my fears were for naught. My own body and mind were/are stronger than anything I feared...and I didn't have to 'struggle'. The answers came peacefully, by noticing what was best. The body truly is amazing.
Read, and consider, peacefully, then follow your instincts.
My best,