I believe in ayuvedic digestion for curing candida!
For example for healing leaky gut and rid of
parasites "Sangre de dragon" or "slippery elm" has helped me tremendoulsy
For a natural
Colon Cleanse - "triphala" and enemas has helped me!
Bowel & liver cleanse- OKRA, Kim chi and glass of live yogurt healed me.
Ive tried both and they are amazing herbs. In addition of vitamins.minerals/occasional enemas, balance ph - Green drink especially parsley and spinach , I really appreciate Homemade live kefir, Cabbage rejuvlac, culture veggies, indian drink- lassi, digestive enzymes, lecthin, glutasmoine, ayveduric diet using spices and herbs to boost immune system and boost stomach acid (lemon, celtic salt and ginger BEFORE meals) with a few other supplements (lecthin, brewer yeasts )