Here is the story:
Dx'd IC (interstitial cystitis), had a hydrodistension and saw the signs on my bladder wall. Still have same symptoms as when I had an infection, frequency, some burning. Also I have edema, lots of it, mainly in my legs and swollen glands in my neck (they are not sore nor do they hurt). These are all the same symptoms I had when I would get a UTI, and when I took
Antibiotics , all these symptoms would go away, until the next infection, typically about 1-2 months later.
My last infection was soooo bad, I took
Antibiotics and nothing, they cutlured it again and still had bacteria, was put on a different
Antibiotic and still had the same symptoms but the next time when they cultured it the culture came back negative.
This took about 1 month of having a cultured bacteria to then having no bacteria found.
I think the bacteria/parasite? formed some sort of casing around it so that now I am not able to get at the infection, hence the crystals in my urine. I have never
kidney stones but my Dad is very prone to them. I have read that stones can be genetic.
This is one of the reason I wanted to see if IP-6 would help w/ the crystals, I think my intestines absorps calcium incorrectly (due to leaky gut) and thought IP-6 might help. I also have IBS, possible SIBO.
Would IP-6 help to get rid of the the stuff so that I can get to the infection?