That is what I said too, all the way from Tricky Dicky Nixon right up until Ron Paul came along. But if I had been smarter and bothered to learn who really controls the world and most of our political candidates at the upper levels, I would have realized long ago just how foolish such a declaration was.
Democrat and Republican ceased to have much meaning years ago - the top candtidates are filterted through the Bilderburg group and in the end it is just a charade. How can we possibly have a '"ree and democratic" election process when we have only TWO parties representing over 250 million people? We are merely voting for the left and right hand of the same puppet masters.
I am glad to see you join CureZone. I hope the learning process continues in all areas. It can be an eye-opening one.
Thanks Donna. Liberal commie, hey? LOL! I think that when I first came to CZ, I was at the end of my card carrying days. My leftist social leanings always came from compassion for the less fortunate, but I became disillusioned with seeing politicians in mansions whose energy bills equaled entire towns tell us that they knew best how to run our lives and tell us what to do - and soon I also saw that socialist welfare did nothing but perpetuate poverty and crime and keep the people enslaved and dependent on their ruling elite "superiors". My disdain for the Republican Party came because I viewed them as the servants of the wealthy who could care less about the middle class and those less fortunate. To a great extent, I still feel that way - but see now that it is really just two different voices of the same puppet masters.
Once I thought, either way the middle class gets the shaft. The Democrats take our money and give it to the welfare class and the Republicans take it and give it to the rich. I figured that the rich already had plenty and if I was gonna get robbed, it might as well be for the benefit of some who needed it.
That still sounds good on paper, but in the real world is altogether too simplistic. As I told Speedy, the journey at CZ can be an eye opening one - especially if you are willing to suspend all your preconceptions and conditioning and simply investigate on your own with an open mind.
The journey through mainstream medicine and natural alternative has been much the same.
I am well aware that Ron Paul is a Republican. My voting for him has nothing to do with his party. I give him my vote and base my support on his platform.
Please take time out to read about him and his views. Ron Paul is our only alternative.
Oh if you were only right and if he would only win the Republican Primary. However, from what I see, I think Guliani has it wrapped up. Only because the puppet masters have chosen to pull his strings in this race.
I did hear that if Ron Paul does not win the primaries, he will run as an independent. yay! Also, I see his popularity picking up on CNN. Another good sign.
Please read all about him. He needs every one of us behind him.
Rest assured, Ron Paul is the only candidate that does not have his own or a party agenda in mind. This man is for the people and will bring our liberties back.
Thank you Speedy! You will see, he is by no means your standard Republican.
Ron Paul ran as the Libertarian Party presidential candidate in 1988 - and got a very large number of votes (over 400,000). But third party candidacies are and were a joke in our tightly controlled "free democratic" elections.