hi, I looked up the info you gave about a weak ileococal valve n found my condition, hiatus hernia, fecal odor. the web page put a shut ileococal valve, which is what I have, down to trauma and blocked energies, so I went to a acupuncturist to unblock my energies. she stuck many needles in me to for the constipation but the ones for my energies had an almost instant effect. she stuck one needle between my eyebrows. within a minute,i felt like there was a heavy weight running through it, down my nose n into my mouth.
my fecal breath was slightly reduced subsequently, from peoples reactions, but only for a day. I've just had my second session and I'm feeling better. the acupuncturist said it may take some time to unblock my energies but she gave me tiny needle in my ear that I have to press to help with the constipation. lo and behold, I went to the tiolet after pressing it a few times. I don't know if anybody's tried acupuncture for this condition or even tried the energies thing (i'm presuming someone has) but I feel I've got furthur within these to sessions than all the mineral/herbs I've been trying over the years.does anybody know what the relvence the needle between the eyebrows had with this condition?