I used to think ignorance was bliss, until I saw ignorant people dropping like flies at age 40, getting sick, misdiagnosed, drugged and horrifically mistreated, getting cut up like xmas turkeys, being poisoned, implanted, blinded, made chemically and medically dependant captives, suffering so badly they needed tons of medication to survive their pain. I saw ignorant people let their babies and children be injected with SV40 viruses, mercury and other horrific toxins, I saw these babies and children become severly crippled by mistreatment and misdiagnosis before they even started their lives. I saw ignorant mothers feed their babies orange crush soda and call it orange juice and then wonder why their child was diagnosed learning disabled or ADD and put on ritalin.
I saw all this happen while living and working in a big city in the midwest, there was a hospital on every corner in this big city and keeping the peoples ignorant, misinformed, misdiagnosed, dumbed down, suppressed, over taxed, rent and tax gouged, pesticide sprayed, in poverty, crippled and dying of biochemical pollution was the name of the $$$$$ game for the hospital owners, the medical suppliers,(vatican cardinals) the no cure allied med profiteers, the junk food glutton panderers and addictors, the poison makers, even the casket makers, all the death profiteers that keep the whole human death butcher ignorance industry $$$ games going to line the pockets of the predators at the expense of the ignorant prey and their children.
I probably should post this on the conspiracy forum, but they are already hip to the death cultures cannibal rackets. The adversary prowls like a hungry lion devouring whom ever he can, widows homes and orphans are prefered dinner.
Ignorance is NOT bliss.
EYES WIDE OPEN ALWAYS. No excuse for lack of vigilence.
I asked a city pharmacist how he could sell script poison to parents all day who feed the poison to their kids, his answer to me was terse, he said, if they, his customers are too ignorant to read a PDR (physicians desk reference book) on toxicity of the drugs they feed their kids, why should he bother to educate them.
The devil is a liar, a robber and a murderer and the father of all liars, robbers and murderers. People had that guy, the devils, number and his old man bast-rd liar, robber, murderer rackets (hell-O death culture representitive vatican pope)figured out 2000 years ago.
The good news is Truth saves lives. Evil and ignorance only destroy themselves.