Hi i'm a 21 year old male thats been having a problem with a
Body Odor since i was 16. First found out in school when the teachers were puting perfume and all type of stuff to mask the bad smell. ( also opening the windows even in winter) ( sad thing is the teachers and the students didn't tell me what kind of smell it was.) I just thought it might be someone else and then when i knew it was because of me, i didn't think it would last till my age now. ( i should have had the guts to tell more of them what kind of smell it is. ( when i did to some they didn't know how to respond to someone telling them what kind of bad smell they have. ( I got kicked out of school because i didn't go anymore because of this)
I live with my parents, but they tell me they can't smell me, and they even brought a priest to see if he could tell me if i have a bad smell or not. ( bad luck he couldn't or some how fo them to smell me they need to spend more time there. ( this confuses me to the point of me thinking i'm going crazy or have such a bad luck that when i need people that can convince my parents that i smell, but either they can't or they lie because it's not easy telling them and me that i got a bad
Body Odor .
I noticed for awhile, ( like when i was 19 or 20) that when i'm in panic or start lifting weights in my house ( Anything that has to do with the heart going fast.), my neighbors start geting so angry to the point of slaming things. ( i once confronted one of them, but he didn't have the guts to tell me what the problem is. ( he knew it was long time coming that i confront them so he got scared to the point of going to the roof when he heard i open the door and yelled what the hell is there problem and why they always got to slam things on the floor and step loud as heck, when they walk. ( i knew why but wanted them to tell me.) i have no idea what kind of
Body Odor i got, it must be that fish smell or something really horrible that they open the building windows in the halls.
I fear once i get thrown out, i wont be able to find a new place and be forced to live in the streets. Because of this i have no future.
So what i was trying to say is, if anyone here notice that people act worse to the smell when ones heart start beating faster then normal?