They think they own us anyway, and they appear ready to exert full ownership rights soon.
Man should not own what nature provides, but rather should be grateful shephards who both protect and share nature's bounty. As you so correctly point out, we did not create or provide life. Nor did we create this world. Those who have and claim the most of what nature has provided - the land, the water, the airspace, the food crops and natural medicines, and the life forms - have by and large been the worst shephards.
I hate to think what science, where today's theories become tomorrow's myths, in all it's arrogance will do with it's ownership and atleration of genes. Whether by natural or Supernatural events, it looks more and more like we are bringing our specie's short run to an end - and it appears now to be a race between the evil new world order world elite and science to see who will kill us or poison us off the planet first.
Perhaps the next life form that emerges and has it's turn at the top, perhaps one that comes from the gentile Dolphins for example, will be better shephards and learn from our folly. Life does find a way and the good Mother Earth does keep on turning, shrugging off failed life forms as she goes.
In the meanwhile, we must prepare for the worst and do our best to keep it from happening. Fight the good fight, hold all life sacred, and to the best of your abilities, do no harm.
"You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you'll come and join us - and the world will be as one." - John Lennon, Imagine
It seems that at least once a day I shake my head and utter the words, "They've gone crazy."
All the evil and crazy people are running the world. Good must somehow triumph over evil. We need to wake up and fight back.