how did you gain your weight back?
I got rid of the fungal(parasite) overgrowth in my body.
I did multiple colon, liver, and
parasite cleanses. I also
did kidney cleanses. I eliminated all grains (this was a must)
and sugars from my diet. I now use some honey,
stevia, and fruit. I increased my protein intake.
How long were you underweight for.
I have always been what most people would consider
underweight. I was severely underweight for about
15-20 years.
Did you find out the cause?
I have been seen by many doctors, including The Mayo Clinic
and Dr. Mercola. Dr. Mercola said I had a malabsorption
problem. He instructed me eat a no-grain diet and increase my
protein intake by consuming raw egg yolks and spirulina.
(I had been a vegetarian for 14 years and was eating this way
at the time I saw him.) While eliminating grains and increasing
protein helped me immensely, I saw my greatest improvement
when I repaired my leaky gut/
parasites by way of diet and
While there is much, much, much, more to my story, I would like
to urge you to start with baseline health...Cleanse your body!
I wished I would have started with the body cleansing years ago.
But, I thought them weird, bizarre, and too far out.
How wrong I was.
I have also fasted for many years and will continue to do so.
Water fasting is the most healing of all health protocols.
However, in my opinion, you are to nutrient deficient to fast
at this time.
Wishing You Abundant Health.