I've been surfing and participating in Curezone for... let me think.... 6 or 8 years - has it been that long? I truly believe I'd be at death's door, if not through it, were it not for what I've learned here. Not everything I've tried has helped me, but much of it has, and Curezone has been an invaluable resource. It's where I send anyone who expresses an interest in cleansing, natural healing methods, etc. There are so few "scientific" double-blind studies on alternative, natural methods that are readily at our disposal, and a lot of my self-education has come from reading other Curezone posters' experiences, beliefs, links they might share, and I like to hear as many varying viewpoints as possible to help me put it all together.
Seems like Curezone has changed in the last few years, I actually just started studying up on
Iodine the past three or four weeks, and until just the other day, I didn't realize there were 2 forums for it- that explains why I kept losing track of threads. (BTW, I have it set to e-mail me when someone responds, but it doesn't seem to be working, if anyone can advise.)
The whole banning thing is something I just started seeing recently, and I have to say I don't think it's a good sign. This place is a rare resource for people who really want to learn about natural healing on all levels - in a toxic world full of misinformation, and I'm a little bummed out that people can't express differences of opinion in the same forums - that "debate" is usually educational for me. Some forums you can't speak up in at all if you don't agree with the owner (do they pay to have a forum? don't know how that works), and I guess from the viewpoint of someone who came here to learn and still uses Curezone as a tool for that, I wonder if the squabbling would be off-putting for newbies who are checking in because they are sick of doctors and just want to get well. It kinda seems like the
Debate Forums are not so much for debate, but more for the opposing opinions - like the "anti-
Liver Flush Forum " vs. the "
Liver Flush debate" forum.
I don't know, just wondering if it might put off new recruits. I'm always hoping more people will wake up to how their health is being compromised by big money interests, and Curezone can be a real eye-opener, I hope it stays that way.