Hey Marj,
I did post the results on the ultimate
Diet Forum . I asked what somthing was that came out of me, and only PTREE responded. She said she had never heard of such a thing (she does
colonics professionally) so that kind of wigged me out in a good way to know I got that out.
my ultimate diet was extremely successful. After about 5 days, I was getting lots of mucid placid out, just like you see on the curezone web page. Some came out on their own, other's were mixed in. I was having around 4 movements a day which was interesting since I had not eaten food in days. I also had the "ropes" that everyone talks about. (curly long stools)
I was reading some of the results and people were taking about 13
inch stools. I laughed and thought"no way". then around day 7 I visited the bathroom and out came at least a 20 incher that just circled the toilet. It came out very easy. I was at the gym at the time and was stunned.
the one that I still can't explain though happened on day 8. when visiting the bathroom, this mossy stuff came out wrapped around my stool. It literally looked like it had leaves kind of like moss in the ocean. Then the next time I visited the restroom, there was no stool, just a toilet full of this moss. I'm not kidding, it looked like it had leaves and stems , was green and mossy. No one could tell me what that was, it made me feel like a freak so I never brought it up again until now.
Kind of wierd, but you did ask.