How do I find out what kind of parasite is living inside me?
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parasites, labs, medical labs by FocusOnHealth 10 year
Q: How do I find out what kind of parasite is living inside me?
A: It is a challenge to find out what kind of parasite is living inside you.
For starters, you don't even know for sure if there is any parasite living inside you.
However, if anyone can find out for sure, it's an employee who works in a medical lab.
However, as says, it is a challenge to deal with medical labs and their employees.
They're a challenge, in part because they overprice themselves. They require you to pay a middleman (such as a medical doctor), too. So, in effect, they double the price of the service that many times they don't even perform.
They're a challenge in part because they often do "the sink test" and quickly tell you your test result was negative.
They're a challenge, in part because, with minor exceptions, their methods of detection are often crude and unsophisticated. Combine that with the usual manipulation of numbers as what is normal and what is not, and it's no wonder they CAN tell you more often than not that you're "normal", even when your test result numbers have increased up to 20-fold.
They're a challenge, in part because they deal with waste products (such as excrement), you can't go back and make them redo the test on the same specimen. And you can't really blame them for getting rid of that smelly, disgusting specimen at their earliest convenience.
They're a challenge in part because, as to parasites, more often than not, their rate of detection is so low-low that it is unbelievable. When they report to you that your test results are negative, what do you do? Find a way to repeat the same test, again, and again, and up to 20 times!
But, as I told you earlier... they're a challenge, because then you have to have a lot of faith. And while you feel like your doctor is doing you a favor, you have to keep selling your middleman (your medical doctor) the idea that it is necessary to keep going, and it is necessary to spend on it even more time and even more money! Your time and your money!
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Q: How do I find out what kind of parasite is living inside me?
A: It is a challenge to find out what kind of parasite is living inside you.
For starters, you don't even know for sure if there is any parasite living inside you.
However, if anyone can find out for sure, it's an employee who works in a medical lab.
However, as says, it is a challenge to deal with medical labs and their employees.
They're a challenge, in part because they overprice themselves. They require you to pay a middleman (such as a medical doctor), too. So, in effect, they double the price of the service that many times they don't even perform.
They're a challenge in part because they often do "the sink test" and quickly tell you your test result was negative.
They're a challenge, in part because, with minor exceptions, their methods of detection are often crude and unsophisticated. Combine that with the usual manipulation of numbers as what is normal and what is not, and it's no wonder they CAN tell you more often than not that you're "normal", even when your test result numbers have increased up to 20-fold.
They're a challenge, in part because they deal with waste products (such as excrement), you can't go back and make them redo the test on the same specimen. And you can't really blame them for getting rid of that smelly, disgusting specimen at their earliest convenience.
They're a challenge in part because, as to parasites, more often than not, their rate of detection is so low-low that it is unbelievable. When they report to you that your test results are negative, what do you do? Find a way to repeat the same test, again, and again, and up to 20 times!
But, as I told you earlier... they're a challenge, because then you have to have a lot of faith. And while you feel like your doctor is doing you a favor, you have to keep selling your middleman (your medical doctor) the idea that it is necessary to keep going, and it is necessary to spend on it even more time and even more money! Your time and your money!
Viewed 5027 times
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