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Anyone cured of RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome)?

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Heat treatment for restless legs   by shesalady   15 year 1 of 1 (100%)

For restless legs at night, try putting on a pair of pyjama pants. This provides warmth along the legs and butt cheeks, which soothes the irritated nerves. Heat is a recognized healer. If the RLS persists, get a hot water bottle (a rubber one or any glass bottle with a firm top will do)and place it along your lower back and butt cheeks. The heat seems to calm the nerves and allow you to fall sleep.
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Improvement after Magnesium Supplements   by #38782   19 year 6 of 6 (100%)

A gynachologist (lady doctor)advised me to try a Magnesium Supplement when complaining about the Restless Legs Syndrom I´d experienced - after being on the Pill for sometime. Discontinuation of the Pill as well as the Mg -supplement has caused a BIG improvement to this awful problem. In fact I´d say I´m cured were it not for the fact that whenever I eat Ca-rich foods (lots of cheese and the like) my legs start getting RESTLESS again, but as soon as I´ve taken a Mg-pill it goes within 10-15 mins. Hoping this info will help LOTS of people as it has helped me!
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Magnesium Oil for RLS   by cfrench180   19 year 2 of 2 (100%)

RLS can cause sleep deprivation which can lead to many problems, such as insulin resistance, weight gain, decreased reaction times.

RLS can be a significant sign of magnesium deficiency.   Recent reports indicated that over 68% of the US population is magnesium deficient.  Even more are deficient when any chronic disease is present. 

Try a bath with Magnesium Oil, a natural solution of magnesium chloride, or spray it on the body.  It will go a long way to increase your magnesium levels, and is better than oral supplements or Epsom Salts .  Only 30-50% of magnesium is absorbed from oral supplements.   And Epsom Salts is magnesium sulfate which is quicly excreted from the body.  Magnesium chloride is easily absorbed, safe, and the effects last longer. 

 There are many added benefits including it's calming influence. You will quickly know if magnesium deficiency is a problem for you once you notice the effects after a few baths with this.

My husband has RLS which frequently wakes me up as well.  Since he's been using the magnesium oil before bed (he uses it as a spray), this has markedly decreased.

There is an interesting interview online today at:     It's a full-length doctor's interview with Esra Tasali, M.D., of the University of Chicago who discusses insomnia in Part One. Dr. Tasali points out the problems sleep deprivation creates, such as hormonal imbalance that leads to gaining weight, and lower reaction times.  This article will only be available free online for about 7 days.

Magnesium can help both RLS and Insomnia, research has shown.  

Claudia French RN, LPHA

International Medical Veritas Association

Diabetics International Foundation


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Raw Apple Cider Vinegar   by #151671   13 year 2 of 2 (100%)

I started taking Raw Apple Cider Vinegar for allergies because a friend suggested it. After a couple of days I noticed that I was going right to sleep when I hit the bed. Since then (about 3 weeks) I have only had 1 instance of RLS!! I have been taking 1 tsp with a little salt and pepper 3 times a day. And I chase it with alot of water. I drank coffee at 6pm last night just to test my theroy and I went right to sleep!! I have not been able to take caffeine at ALL for about 6 months!! It's worth a try.... :)

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Rls   by salimdost   15 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Re: RLS(Restless Legs Syndrome)

I heard that this RLS disease or disorder of the legs came to be known only few years ago. Anyway, because of my diabetic conditions, I developed this problem called RLS. In my situation, no matter what I do like take a days rest, walk few hours, not walk at all, message my legs etc. I cannot sleep until and unless I take 1 and 1/2 hour before I go to bed, 2 x .05 mg tablets called Mirapex. This is solved my problem to a considerable level. Even some days, it won't work at all. I am going for a sleep study in few weeks and then see what happens.
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RLS gone in one night with mega dosing on ferrous sulfat iron   by LoricaLady   12 year 1 of 1 (100%)

A few nights ago I discovered I couldn't sleep due to restless leg syndrome. Looked it up on the net. Some said take iron. I realized I had not been taking the iron I use to supplement since I eat very little meat. It had gotten lost in the shuffle with my other supplements - didn't replace it when it ran out.

Well, I kinda megadosed on the iron. The next night, no more problems. Once before I had problems with low iron, dizziness, and supplementing made the dizziness go away, though my blood tests said I was fine. I prefer to be my own diagnostician when possible and go by symptoms. You can't always count on those blood tests when they say you are fine. I've discovered that in several ways.

Plus a doctor I used to have, decades in practice, told me that today's blood tests call "average" normal. But he said 30 years ago people were healthier and "average" really was normal. So, be sure you are at optimal, not just normal/average levels in iron and other things.


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Restless Leg   by Leepinto2924   13 year 1 of 1 (100%)

I started taking a hot bath with 2 cups of Epsom Salts and soak for 10 minutes. Restless leg gone and I sleep great. I brush teeth, remove makeup and do all bedtime routines before the bath and then go straight to bed!
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Anyone cured of RLS   by #132289   15 year 1 of 1 (100%)

I have had RLS for 35 years and have not heard of any cure. If you do, please let me know!
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RLS and Ca, Mg, Zn   by #58784   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

Whenever I get RLS, it seems my Calcium /Magnesium is out of balance...usually from eating too much dairy.

So, I take 3 caplets of Calcium (333mg), Magnesium (133mg) and Zinc (5mg) along with 2 or 3 caplets of Vitamin C (1000mg) for better absorbtion of the minerals.

The RLS is gone in 15-20 minutes and I sleep better as well.

A google search here:
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Anyone cured of RLS?   by sapphire7   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

I use Long Life(Brand) 3 Ginsing tea with licorice root. It really does the trick.
I was drinking it without even knowing it helped RLS. It says right on the box that it helps with this problem. It was just an accident that I stumbled on to this. I hope this helps.
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RLS Observations   by wmrain   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

In the last few years I have experienced RLS symptoms possibly once every two or three months. Always it relates to overeating on heavy foods of some type and is a mild reaction. I first developed symptoms 25 or so years ago(we are vegetarians)when eating a lot of homemade flour tortillas heavily buttered with beans and nutritional yeast, onions etc. added. It took me awhile to relate it to the food, but that was the key. Until I changed the diet I had leg symptoms every evening and after going to bed. Our diet has changed to more salads and vegetables and more attention to getting plenty of water. Another thing that helped was a couple of 7 day water fasts. So in total I relate it (in my case) to eating and often overeating on concentrated foods. I place particular suspicion on flour products (white or whole grain all the same) Protien and carbohydrate combinations.
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Info on Potentiation   by luckman   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

You can check out my blog (ABCs of Conscious Evolution) here on Curezone. My book focusing on Potentiation, CONSCIOUS HEALING, is also listed under Books.

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Restless Leg Syndrome   by luckman   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

I saw your question surfing around and thought I'd post this Testomonial from one our clients following Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning:

"At the time of my Potentiation seven months ago, I was depressed and suicidal due to my inability to sleep. I'd often go whole nights and only get an hour of sleep. I still struggle somewhat with insomnia, but I no longer, or rarely, have the kind of nights I used to have before Potentiation. I've also suffered for years from TMJ, but in spite of braces and a mouth full of metal, I've improved in this area as well. I still have many challenges, but I now generally believe life is worth living and I even have feelings of happiness and joy. I also had a serious case of Restless Leg Syndrome when I began this process. I still have it at times, but lately it has been a lot less. I know this doesn't sound like much, but trust me, it's a big deal. I think of all the many things I've tried, Potentiation has probably been the best investment in my overall health and has helped me the most."

Hope that gives hope.

Cofounder, The Phoenix Center for Regenetics
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Restless leg Syndrome   by #96586   17 year 0 of 1 (0%)

I read about a home remedy for RLS on the People's Pharmacy. You place a bar of soap under your sheet. I have told many peope about this remedy and they all report success. Check it out.

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I've recovered from RLS   by ddelgado82   17 year 0 of 1 (0%)

I used to have BAD RLS in addition to other problems like endometriosis. I tried Requip and some other meds for RLS and they made me miserable. I used cal/mag supplements with brief success. I eventually moved to Utah and hooked up with a homeopathic doctor who specialized in parasite detox. Once I did the parasite protocols I noticed my RLS was gone. I haven't had a flare up since.

If you think about it... the connection to RLS is nutritional deficientcies. parasites suck the nutrition out of you. Once you get them gone, then the body can start to repair itself.
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RLS cure with magnesium supplements   by #83957   18 year 0 of 1 (0%)

No I have not, but in my experience taking magnesium and/or potassium supplements work. This works with my friends as well.

We think it is drinking too much caffeine. My friend developed RLS when she received an ice tea maker as a gift and used it all day long. She was told that the caffeine is disrupting her body's balance with calcium and that magnesium supplements would work. It worked in two days.

I also went through a phase of frequent Starbucks visits and then got RLS, too. I also was "cured" within one or two days of taking magnesium.

Since then, I have noticed that whenever RLS develops, I have been drinking coffee every day.

Someone also told me that potassium supplements help.

BTW: This is a cure in the sense that mag. supplementation is not needed on a continual basis, just a few days' worth. If you continue to drink caffeine or start again, then you will have to re-supplement.

Do you think this may correspond to your situation?
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Grapeseed Oil for RLS??   by #83367   18 year 0 of 1 (0%)

I have had RLS for years. It affects not only my legs but also my arms. It does not seem to relate to exercize or diet. (I elminated Sugar and dairy with no success)
I have read the grapeseed oil really helps. Has anyone tried this?

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ACV   by rudenski   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

If you have restless leg syndrome, put full strength apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle and saturate legs. It takes itching and jerking away completely so you can sleep.
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Exercise   by bd1421   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

I received an e-mail this morning from 'lightningrod', telling me that RLS is the body's way of telling us that we need exercise and that he/she suggests marathon walking. Unfortunately lightningrod, this is incorrect. I exercise on a regular basis (including jogging) and have consistently had RLS symptoms. So far, the only thing that has helped me has been the colon clease and herbal tea.

I'm still convinced that RLS is connected to a nutritional deficiency, which may be exacerbated by a build-up of mucoid plaque on the walls of the colon, preventing the body from absorbing certain nutrients. If you're skeptical about a colon cleanse, do a google search and prepare to be amazed (and a little disgusted!).
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Restless Legs Syndrome   by bd1421   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

I've been experimenting with treatments and possible causes for my restless legs for years. Clearly, some type of nutritional imbalance is behind the cause. Yet, different theories seem to abound. And even in my own experience, what I will determine to be the cause one day will later turn out to be incorrect.

I have, however, found a solution (for now, at least). I began a Colon Cleanse several days ago, and have not experienced ANY RLS symptoms since the first day of the cleanse. Included in the clease is an herbal tea that is to be taken before bedtime. The product (DrNatura's Colonix) boasts that the tea will aide in digestion and help give a restful night's sleep, but I didn't think that would apply to me until I tried it.

I'm not sure if the Colon Cleanse is relieving the RLS somehow, or if the herbal tea alone is helping. But I could certainly see how a Colon Cleanse might help, after reading about the build-up in our colons and how nutrients cannot properly be absorbed under these conditions. And if a nutritional deficiency is behind the RLS... well, it just makes sense that to clean that out would help with absorption of nutrients.

Additionally, let me say a word about a website out there that is selling a "cure." Any search for "RLS" will yield a website that claims to have the cure for restless legs in the form of a document that will tell you why RLS occurs, allowing you a simple change in your diet and therefore freedom from RLS. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY! They tell you that SALT is the cause of RLS, and that if you will drastically reduce the sodium in your diet, you'll never have RLS again. And though there appear to be some temporary benefits, no one can maintain a diet on the low, LOW amounts of salt they're suggesting. It's NOT a true cure, and it isn't feasible. In short, they're making money off of people desperate for some sleep.
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