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Why has my fasting bloodsugar gone up while on Iodine??

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Because of yeast! (Candisiasis/Biofilms) Here's how to fix.   by illys / elisah   9 year

Looks like you could potentially be having a yeast problem, PosterFromAGoodThread!

I forgot to add in questions like 'have you done a parasite cleanse before starting Iodine (yes/no) for _____ months, and I used _______ to do it', and 'I (have / have not) done Liver Cleansing after the parasite cleanse'

Classic stuff. Myeh. Curezone can be confusezone at times, the forums get a lot more attention than the article databases.

parasite cleansing usually helps shunt yeast colonies out of the intestinal tract. By getting rid of those (parasitic bio-film infections made of cell-wall-deficient digestive flora)), you help clear the way for more advanced detoxes, which Iodine is.

Iodine does go in and attack biofilm colonies, but it also shunts toxins that have been stored in intercistine fluid (fluid between the cells in all tissues in the body) out into circulation. If there's still parasitic colonies in the gut, you're going to be dealing with a reduced capacity to get rid of the trash that's trapped inbetween cells, especially in the fat layers!

You're super-strong on vitamin D3 and magnesium intake, so you get praise for that. :)
The selenium intake looks appropriate to the amount of Iodine you've been taking.
It's excellent to see that you're using vitamin C,
I'm glad you're getting some B-vits.

Take a look at the B-complex tablet you're getting, to see what form of B3 and how much of it you're getting. (the /dosage/ and the /formulation/ is vital! doubly so with parasite cleansing, because biofilms eat supplements and prevent them from doing their jobs.)

Boron: Strongly anti-fungal.
Zinc: Necessary! Very anti-fungal, works closely with the vit C and b-vitamins to up the immune system's fighting capacity.
Selenium: The yeast-form is not as effective as the seleno-methionine form, and the b2 and b3 vitamins are necessary to maximize what you get out of your supplement.
B2 And B3: B3 500mg is like taking a strong fighter out in the ring. It's very antifungal, and dilates bloodvessels to help carry the minerals and immune cells out to where they're needed.

Here's how and why the co-factors are so important against biofilms (the reasons for your bloodsugar swings, and what I write about below):

I eat out X times a week.

I weigh __.
I started to use Iodine to help with weight loss, and no other symptoms.

I have been to the doctor's because of rapid weight loss, frequent urination and diabetes symptoms.

I last used Antibiotics recently.

Very understandable.
Eating out can be an argumentable point at this moment- your daily food choices are going to be critical for you with the blood sugars soaring. With weight problems, the extra pounds are usually to be blamed on biofilms in the fluid between cells, and in the lymph nodes. Folk who loose weight by caloric restriction have done very well, but if they haven't bowel cleansed (that is done with a parasite cleanse), those biofilms living at and beyond the gut wall lay in wait for the next chance to grow strong again.

Antibiotics have the effect of making the strongest gut flora stronger, and wiping out the ones that usually hold the biofilm-forming ones in check. Antibiotics are aimed at the cell walls of bacteria, and in order to protect themselves, they shed their cell walls, and change their behavior in order to survive!

That's when you get biofilms. The immune system can't easily recognize them, they anchor to body tissues with protiens that are identical to mammalian tissues so that the body won't attack and detatch them, and they use a matrix of polysacchride (sugar molecule) netting to catch food particles for digestion. That's when you get a mucousy lining of goop and rotting food living in the upper and lower intestinal tract, and the symptoms that follow according to what sort of digestive remains and bacterial seeds they release into the blood stream.

In general these biofilms form in the presense of
1) anti-bacterial elements (antibacterial metals from dental silver fillings, doctor meds like antibiotics, etc.)
2) high-carbohydrate diets with little or no pro-botic content (nearly 100% cooked foods)
3) stressful situations - when you're living a constantly busy lifestyle, the body lowers the immune system and production of stomach acid and bile, so the energy used to produce those digestive fluids is shunted to the brain and muscles. The body can be trained to live that way. Bile and stomach acid are frontliners against biofilm.
4) Secondary parasites - biofilmic infections weaken the gut wall lining, which blocks parasite (worm) eggs from passing into the body. Liver flukes are the most common critter pointed out in cases of diabetes.

For the moment I would suggest:
1) 3 days on just uncooked fruits, berries and melons. I use this tactic with my type 1 diabetes, and the relief from blood Sugar swings is pretty much instant. Mind, it's just 3 days to give you a chance to see if it works, and to give relief from the high bloodsugars. The uncooked fruits help hugely against biofilm issues by providing probiotics that help combat the overgrowth.

2) Breathe deep, get yourself some space to accept the situation you're in now, and to give yourself time to make a battle plan. You're in good company, you're going to be alright, and if the doctor gives you insulin, you're going to feel a lot better, but will need the breathing space to learn how to dose and eat to avoid low blood sugars. Good news on taking control of the situation with diet- you will need a -lot- less of any medications or hormones like insulin on a well-chosen diet, there'll be a lot less protien, fats and carbs to feed biofilms and parasites (making them detatch easier).

3) Get ahold of the missing cofactors.
4) Choose a parasite and bowel cleanse. Curezone is a great place to ask around about experiences and the such. In my experience, diatomaceous earth, saponin-rich herbs (wormwood is one), and activated charcoal make a very good cleanse. A well-done parasite cleanse lasts 3 months, because of the lifecycle of worms (eggs laid every full moon).

5) Information, and the time to absorb and play with it. Everything I'm writing to you is from 7 years experience reading here, researching on sites like wikipedia and naturopathic/alternative health websites, nutritional websites, etc. I've experimented on myself, experienced setbacks, and a lot of 'Eureka!' moments in the bathtubs. Just remember, no matter what happens, there are both good days and difficult days. They'll come, and both you and God willing, you'll be blessed with the wisdom and the tools to take control of the situation-

Personally I hate the times when I feel like I've lost overview of the situation, and I loose hope a little while. After the vallies and pitfalls, my prayers usually get answered with discovery and a huge relief.

I'm sorry the blood Sugar spikes have come after the iodine, but from this point of view, it's understandable- the elements that cause diabetes lay dormant waiting for their chance, and they're showing their growlyfaces at you now. Iodine is a good tool against them, so hold onto your bottle.

No tool works at it's full capacity in isolation, though. Technically you can build a box from a tree log with just a hammer, but having nails, an axe, a woodplane and a saw can really help in accomplishing the task.
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