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What causes CFS?

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CFS Cause   by #56153   19 year 2 of 3 (66%)

CFS is a set of symptoms which may have any of several causes. I don't buy the idea that there is a single causative agent. No illness is caused by a single, simple causative factor. It is always a set of causative factors, interplaying with our natural resistance, our immunity, our lifestyle, our environment, our diet, even our attitude.

I believe that Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome is a set of symptoms telling a person that his/her body has been overloaded with toxins. What toxins? Well, that is up to you to find out. But you will not find it out by attaching Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome diagnoses to your set of symptoms. Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome diagnoses may be more of the problem then it is the solution. If you choose to accept that CFS = toxins from whatever possible source, including bacterial source, you will be more likely to look for the real cause and find the real cure.  You don't have to suffer!

It could be chronic mercury poisoning from Amalgam filings. It could be parasites. It could be congested liver. It could be chronic intoxication caused by vaccinations.  It could be exposure to pesticides. It could be diet. It could be black mold. It could be candidiasis.  It could be nutritional deficiency. It could be bacterial infection. It could be viral infection.
It could be all or just some of the above.

It often is a combination of more then one factor.

Whatever it is, there is a way to find out.

In order to cure yourself, you will have to eliminate unlikely causes, and then work on those causes that relate to you.
Read next pages, just to understand why doctors have problems finding the cause.

Why lab tests almost always come back negative in mercury toxic people?
How does mercury hurts people?
Does Amalgam cause permanent damage in all people exposed?
Andy Cutler's mercury detoxification protocol
Where can I learn more about Amalgam and mercury?
Amalgam and Chronic Diseases, is there a connection?

Many medical observers have noted that CFS seems often to be "triggered" by some stressful event. Some people will appear to get CFS following a viral infection, or a head injury, or surgery, excessive use of Antibiotics , or some other traumatic event.

Let's face the truth.  There is no such a thing as a single cause of any health problem.

We can only talk about cofactors, causative agents and life situations that like pieces of puzzle interact with each other, and together promote a chain of events ending with a named set of symptoms called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

In order to cure CFS, you must understand that there could be many different important factors that influenced your health, leading to a specific set of symptoms called CFS.

In the text below I will try to explain how some seemingly unconnected events in our life can be the underlying cause of our present condition. To understand the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, you must understand the wider picture.

All disorders and health problems that happen to humans are multidimensional, because we, humans are multidimensional.
Modern medical Science is manly interested in physical and tangible world. It blames too many problems on bad genes, bad viruses, bad bacteria, ... 

There are virtually hundreds of cofactors / hundreds of causative agents that each can have casual relationship to poor immunity, poor health, accumulation of toxins inside body, poor thoughts, and that promotes illness!

Common underlying causative agents of almost every illness of modern man are:

  • Exposure to toxins, medications or vaccination during the first few weeks or first few  months of baby's life may contribute and may cause serious health problems in childhood and later in life.
  • Exposure to toxins later in life.
  • Lack of physical activity, lack of sweating.
  • Poor diet.  Diet rich in processed foods and deficient on essential nutrients is affecting biochemical processes inside our cells.  It is also affecting digestion and preventing internal natural detoxification ... read foods that kill page!

  • mental attitude, stress, negative thoughts, fear, lack of love, lack joy, lack desire to live.
  • depression

Combination of those factors is the underlying cause of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  That is what created foundations for your problems.

On top of those foundations, next may be the cause: congestion of the ducts and vessels of circulation and elimination:

  1. Obstruction of the bile ducts inside liver by hundreds and thousands of intrahepatic stones -- the main cause of almost every chronic illness
  2. Thickening of blood vessel walls (capillaries and arteries) with excessive protein, leading to chronic health problems such as heart disease, strokes, diabetes, brain disorders, arthritis, cancers, etc.
  3. Waste accumulation in the gastro-intestinal tract, affecting the health of every cell in the body, and indicated in almost every disorder and emotional/spiritual problem
  4. Lymphatic congestion, also indicated in every health problem, including weight gain, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's, hormonal issues, reproductive disorders, etc.
  5. Energetic blocks in the body's meridian network and chakra system, affecting all organs and system in the body

Whenever congestion & toxemia exceeds one's capacity to handle it, you will definitely have a disease.

Congestion and toxemia may cause or may be followed by:

  1. Formation of Intrahepatic Stones, Gallstones, poor liver function, poor bowel function
  2. Poor digestion - Incomplete digestion may cause poor absorption of essential nutrients,
    and poorly digested food may contain toxic substances that our intestines absorb into our blood, lymph and tissues.
  3. Lack of sleep
  4. Infection by internal parasitic animals - parasites (protozoa, amoebae, worms,..)
  5. Infection by parasitic yeasts, viruses bacteria
  6. Overuse of medical drugs and many problems caused by use of medical drugs


By applying the most basic guidelines of cleansing the entire body, eating nutritiously and living in harmony with nature's laws, you can take complete charge of your health.
On this site, you have the opportunity to find out how!

About Body-Mind, Soul and Spirit.

"Many of our life problems (health, marriage, problems of materialistic nature, business, problems with children, diseases from dependence) have connections with a family in which we live, with a family in which we grew up as well as family from which our parents derived.

We receive from our ancestors not only the color of our hair or tendency toward epilepsy, or heart diseases, but also a variety of psychological stresses, traumas and pains among which many are on the level of secrecy. Since long ago people have experienced one feeling, which they transformed into saying "". when grandparents eat sour grapes the grandchildren's  teeth turn numb

Person suffering chronic illness, often comes from a family where there are many "unfinished businesses" in the past.

Fore example: Family who's members have serious emotional problems, serious conflicts within members going on, or just a lot of feeling of guilt, fear and resentment. Sometimes, those conflicts and entangling are on unconscious level, and person is not aware of it. If those conflicts and problems are not addressed, health, if achieved, is just an illusion, short term experience.

MOST SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS comes from difficult relationship between people.

But, for most people, dealing with those problems is not easy. Being married with "wrong" person, being divorced, being unable to communicate with your kids is not easy. Takes long time to learn, to adjust, to forgive, to tolerate,...

Unfortunately, people who need changes the most, those who are seriously ill, are just too ill to realize it.  Most sick people are just too sick to even try simple and easy things like water cure, liver cleanse, juicing, lemonade diet....

Family and Subconscious plays a big part in our health. When we are talking about subconscious, we are talking about past.

"Beside the color of our eyes or tendency toward epilepsy, from our ancestors we inherit various kinds of feelings, tragedies, traumas, tempers, tresses, misfortunes. We also inherit the terror and fear of living in poverty (nevertheless of our temporary status)."

"Families have numerous levels on which they exist and on which they function in the same way as each of us individually. There is a difference between the visible (so called manifesting) level of family's relationship and the level of hidden feelings, games and positions (so called latent level). The pathological balance frequently exists on exactly this hidden level, which, after long-term stagnation of energy, creates sickness or pathological process to that family or to their members."

"Today we are aware of the fact that any serious emotional trauma that happened in the past to you (or your parents) can have a significant affect on the continual state of your health.

People can also strongly suffer from emotional trauma inherited from parents who lived with hidden and unsolved rejection, with concentration camp or refugee drama or ancient separation during birth. 

All this pervades the descendents and brings them in an emotional state, which they don't remember experiencing at all. We can frequently see how, in families, children reflect their parents, as if they are looking in the mirror. The characteristics that they have taken from their parents or some distant ancestor include the tendency toward depression, fear, self-criticism, lack of conscience, self-rejection, etc. It is therefore very clear that the emotional trauma is the main reason for bad health."

"Unfinished businesses within family can block and take away the energy. These can be various family secrets about family's conflicts, murders, war sufferings, rapes, religious intolerances, adultery, frauds, plunders, betrays, etc."

"By finishing the unfinished business a lot of life energy can being released."

"Secrets and lies within the family are very important, because the secrets, hidden thoughts and feelings are those that produce the unfinished business and knots. Very often almost whole family energy is spent to keep some secret on the safe place, so the members of the family hardly have strength for anything else in life."

Soul is a part of us, which connects our body (material aspect of our existence) and our spirit (our connection with spiritual). Soul is a part of us that is connected to emotions and in this way it knows all truths from the beginning to the end. It is not like mind which analysis, interprets, judges, synthesizes and babbles, babbles, babbles, etc It's medium is not a word but a picture.

A lot of things that determine our lives, happiness and health belong to those latent levels and it processes beyond the level of our consciousness. Not only does there exist a large subconscious part of us connected to our individual lives from the beginning until present moment, but also there exist a large part in that subconscious that is filled with various important elements from the whole evolution, from prehistoric human until today. As in some unimaginably big computer, tidily in our subconscious we have sorted files that possess all the emotionally important information from the prehistoric days until today. 

This is known as collective subconscious.

Beside individual and collective subconscious, in subconscious part of us there exist one more "sector" in which are placed files that possess something that is called familiar subconscious. This is something that we inherit from our ancestors through our genetics. These are furthermore those "programs" in our lives that are often, automatically and unconsciously happening and determining our destiny. Therefore we, beside the color of our eyes or tendency toward epilepsy, inherit various kinds of feelings, tragedies, traumas, tempers, stresses, also the pain of midwife whose children are dying while giving them birth, the misfortune of their mother to whom they forbid to marry the love of her life, we also inherit the terror and fear of living in poverty (nevertheless of our temporary status). 

"That is why we often notice within family, for example, five generations of lawyers or seven generations of doctors or four generations of alcoholics, suicides, schizophrenics, divorces, etc."

"If the children are the ones whose problems are involved, then the adequate people should work for them in the therapy as their parents or very close relatives."

It is important to learn what is right and what is wrong, in relationship with people. It is important to regret doing things that are bad. It is important to forgive to those who regretted. It is important to forgive to yourself. It is important to learn from mistakes. It is important to love your parents, your ex partners, your present partners, your children. 

It is important to do god to people. It is important to do god to the children. It is important to support your children. The best that parents can do for their own children is to love the other half. Lack of this love may cause imbalances that will be felt through generations.

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Infectious Agent   by alisaun   19 year 0 of 2 (0%)

There is a better than good chance that CFS, Fibromyalgia, and other diseases (i.e. Lupus, MS, etc.) are very likely *infectious* bacterial diseases, such as Lyme disease and the common Lyme co-infections (Erlichia, Babesia, Bartonella) or possibly mycoplasma, HHV and a few others. Since most doctors are not aware of this, people go undiagnosed. Even if a Lyme test it run, most likely it will show negative as none of the Lyme tests are reliable save one or two (i.e. Igenex Western Blot). Most tests are about 60 percent innacurate.

Lyme is the fastest growing vector borne disease in this coutry. You can get it not just from ticks but also from mosquitoes, fleas, mites. It has been found in breastmilk and is also believed to be able to be passed by sexual intercourse and in utero. It is an epidemic.

It is a disease related to syphllis. If treated early recovery chances are good. However, most people don't even know they have it as it is commonly misdiagnosed, and if it gets to late-stage disemminated it burrows into tissues and organs and is extremely difficult to eradicate.
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