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How does CFS relate to fibromyalgia?

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Relationship between CFS & Fibromyalgia   by luckman   18 year 1 of 1 (100%)

Basing his claims on meticulous research, Dr. Leonard Horowitz persuasively argues that vaccines are the real cause of a variety of autoimmune diseases, including CFS/CFIDS and fibromyalgia.

This may strike anyone who accepts the official line that vaccines are safe and effective as unbelievable. But after a year spent testing Horowitz's ideas using kinesiology (muscle testing) while developing the Regenetics Method of DNA activation to heal my own version of autoimmunity, I concluded belief is not required for immune-wrecking retroviruses to penetrate the bloodstream via "immunizations" and alter the genetic code, potentially sabotaging health under a myriad of creative diagnoses such as "fibromyalgia," "chronic fatigue," and "multiple chemical sensitivity."

The root cause of many autoimmune illnesses is genetic damage through factors such as vaccines compounded by cellular toxicity. As evidenced by the expanding body of literature on the topic, I am far from alone in this opinion. I contend that cells collect and hold toxicity for the purpose of slowing down the many mutant pathogens, such as simian 40 retrovirus ("monkey AIDS"), released in the organism under the radar of the immune system by vaccines. The body knows that toxic substances--heavy metals and pesticides, for instance--are not only poisonous to the host, but also to pathogens. Such a Catch-22 can lead to environmental illness and immunological breakdown in which the body starts attacking its own toxic cells, but it may be the only choice a biosystem operating with damaged DNA has.

Many people are led to believe that since they have an autoimmune disorder or disease, they are more toxic because of their chemical, environmental or nutritional sensitivities. Another way of saying this is that it is commonly assumed the body becomes more toxic in autoimmune states because it cannot or does not know how to detoxify. Based on my research and personal experience of genetic collapse, however, it appears that autoimmunity is induced by foreign genetic invaders (which can include genetically modified foods) that negatively reprogram DNA by utilizing the RNA transcription process, instructing the body to replicate artificial codes inside cells. In other words, once DNA is reprogrammed, it literally has the ability to grow new pathogenic--perhaps "pathogenetic" would be a better word--cellular cultures.

According to Horowitz and many other researchers, vaccine-induced pathogens, in addition to simian 40 retrovirus, can include prions, mycoplasmas, bovine lymphotropic virus, feline leukemia virus, Epstein-Barr virus, and Rous sarcoma virus--to name only a few. When these are "uploaded" into the genetic code using the reverse transcriptase ("backward writing") enzyme, any number of autoimmune conditions can result--from lupus to leukemia, depending on the individual's constitution and lifestyle and the number and type of vaccines received.

The body, in its wisdom, realizes it has been fundamentally altered, but like a computer it must carry out the codes in its reprogrammed DNA. This can lead to a degenerative defense response as the body accumulates more and more toxicity in an attempt to "short-circuit" the foreign pathogens being grown like weeds in the cells. The body simply uses what is available from the environment in its biological war against itself.

Adapted from Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method. Copryight (c) 2006 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved. 


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How does CFS relate to fibromyalgia   by #   19 year 1 of 1 (100%)

CFS can be a symptom of fibromyalgia. From what I have learned, Fibromyalgia is a sort of catch-all phrase used when other, definable, tests have ruled out possibilities. Research shows that fibromyalgia is quite real. It is different for each person. Many dis-eases or chronic problems are like that.
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Parasites and liver congestion could also a possible link   by #56153   19 year 2 of 3 (66%)

Possible link could be chronic mercury poisoning from Amalgam or fish...
Another possible link could be vaccinations ...
Pesticides and food additives could also play an important role in some patients...

parasites and liver congestion could also be a possible link.
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CFS and Fibromyalgia   by tuffy   18 year 2 of 3 (66%)

There is a large number of people diagnosed with HCV who are also diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is another ailment that no longer bothers me thank to ridding the virus with antiviral chemotherapy.....and its a RELIEF! I can get up and go all day without the burden of "heavy, stiff and achy joints".

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Both "Syndromes" Have Similar Cause   by alisaun   19 year 0 of 1 (0%)

CFS and Fibromyalgia are explained as being extremely similar syndromes marked by one main difference: That Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome manifests with fatigue as the main symptom and Fibromyalgia presents with more pain and joint issues.

Both Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome and Fibromyalgia are known in the medical community as "trash can diagnoses" because they are only given to a patient when the doctor supposedly has ruled out everything else.

Horrifyingly, what most doctors do not seem to know is that there is a better than good chance that CFS, Fibromyalgia, and other diseases (i.e. Lupus, MS, etc.) are very likely *infectious* bacterial diseases, such as Lyme disease and the common Lyme co-infections (Erlichia, Babesia, Bartonella) or possibly mycoplasma, HHV and a few others. Since most doctors are not aware of this, people go undiagnosed. Even if a Lyme test it run, most likely it will show negative as none of the Lyme tests are reliable save one or two (i.e. Igenex Western Blot).
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