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Dr. Javier Morales Survey Results
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New Survey Questions (11) 
11 Unchanged? Have any of your physical symptoms or ailments remained unchanged since visiting the Tijuana Clinic? (Did not improve, did not get worse.) If yes, select all symptoms or ailments that remained unchanged.   17 year ago
10 "Cure"? Have you experienced any "cure" since visiting the Tijuana Clinic? Any physical symptoms or ailments that disappeared 100%? If yes, then please select all symptoms or ailments that apply.   17 year ago
9 Improvement (but not full cure)? Have you experienced any noticeable health improvement since having dental work done in the Tijuana Clinic? If yes, select symptoms that improved but are still not fully cured.   17 year ago
8 Worse? Have you experienced worsening or appearance of any of the symptoms or ailments since having the dental work done in Tijuana Clinic? If yes, select symptoms or ailments that worsened since visiting Tijuana clinic.   17 year ago
7 Health? Your health BEFORE you visited the Tijuana clinic? Have you suffered from any frequent symptoms, chronic conditions or ailments before you had dental work done? If yes, please select all symptoms and ailments you were suffering from.   17 year ago
6 Have you had any changes in your health since having dental work done by Dr. Javier Morales P. and/or Dr. Edgar Montano?   17 year ago
5 How did you find about Dr. Javier Morales P. and/or Dr. Edgar Montano (in Tijuana)?   17 year ago
4 What was the main reason for visiting Dr. Javier Morales P. and/or Dr. Edgar Montano?   17 year ago
3 How happy are you with the dental work done by Dr. Javier Morales P. and/or Dr. Edgar Montano?   17 year ago
2 Have you regretted visiting Dr. Javier Morales P. and/or Dr. Edgar Montano (in Tijuana, Mexico)?   17 year ago
1 Have you ever had any dental work done by Dr. Javier Morales P. or Dr. Edgar Montano (in Tijuana, Mexico)?   17 year ago
12 Date Of Birth
13 Country where you live?
14 Gender (Sex)
15 Ethnicity
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