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Master Cleanse Survey Results
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New Survey Questions (25) 
52 How many pounds or kg did you expect to lose while fasting on MC?   18 year ago
51 How many pounds or kg did you lose while fasting on MC?   18 year ago
50 Has MC fasting affected your diet. Any change in your everyday diet?   18 year ago
5 Did you encounter any problems while fasting? What problems? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select all that apply:   18 year ago
49 On the average, how many lemonade glasses a day did you have?   18 year ago
16 Number of long fasts? How many times have you completed 10 or more days MC fasting at one time?   18 year ago
48 Support? Have you been asking for, or receiving any form of support related to MC fasting? Answer the question with yes or no. If yes, select places where you received a support related to MC.   18 year ago
14 What were the most difficult days on your fast(s)? Difficult in term of having a strong desire to end the fast.   18 year ago
47 Other then SWF, what other ways of inducing bowel movements are you practicing while fasting on MC?   18 year ago
46 Do you practice Salt Water Flush (SWF) every day of the fast?   18 year ago
45 Have you ever ended MC fast with a liver flush?   18 year ago
44 Have you ever started MC fast with a liver flush?   18 year ago
43 Other Remedies and Therapies: What other remedies/therapies did you use WHILE FASTING?   18 year ago
38 Electronic Devices? Have you used any electronic devices before MC fast?   18 year ago
3 Fear? Have you been afraid to start fasting (the first time)?   18 year ago
42 Other Remedies and Therapies: What other remedies/therapies did you use BEFORE the MC fast?   18 year ago
41 Kidney Stones Remedies? What remedies have you used?   18 year ago
40 Kidney Stones Remedies? Have you used any remedies claiming to help rid body of kidney stones before or during MC fast?   18 year ago
39 Electronic Devices Before MC ot While MC Fasting? What electronic devices have you used?   18 year ago
37 Parasites Killing Remedies? Select the ones that you used:   18 year ago
36 Parasites Killing Remedies? Have you used any herbs or remedies claiming to help rid body of parasites?   18 year ago
35 Bowel Cleanse? If you used any remedy or product for intestinal cleansing, please select all that apply:   18 year ago
34 Bowel Cleanse? Did you complete a "thorough" bowel cleanse BEFORE doing Master Cleanse Fast or between fasts?   18 year ago
33 Bowel Movements? What is the average number of "NATURAL" bowel movements today, after you finished MC fast?   18 year ago
32 Bowel Movements? What was the average number of INDUCED bowel movements you have had before you started fasting?   18 year ago
26 Date Of Birth
27 Body Height
28 Body Weight
29 Country where you live?
30 Gender (Sex)
31 Who are you attracted to?
32 How many children do you have?
33 How many siblings do you have?
34 Ethnicity
35 Natural Hair Color
36 Eye Color
37 Blood Type
38 Level of physical activity?
39 Which of the next activities do you practice at least once every week?
40 Which of the next diets are closest to your average daily diet?
41 What foods do you consume?
42 What is the average percentage of RAW food in your diet, by volume?
43 What is your average daily intake of pure water?
44 What vaccines have you received since birth?
45 The highest educational level achieved?
46 Smoking Habits
47 Marital Status
48 Religion
49 Latitude of the place where you live now?
50 Latitude of the place where you were born?
51 Time Zone where you live now?
52 Climate of the place where you live now?
53 Climate of the place where you were born?
  See All Survey Questions
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