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"Research has demonstrated that 100% of all root canals result in residual infection due to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. The toxins given off by these bacteria are more toxic than mercury. These toxins can cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous and endocrine systems. There are 1000's of articles on nickel being a carcinogen."

Heart attack

Root Canal Cover Up



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Weston Price would take a person who had had a heart attack, take out the tooth with the root canal, take a little segment of it, put it under the skin of a rabbit. In about 10 days that rabbit would die of a heart attack.

Dr. George Meinig --- "Root Canal Cover-Up"

Root Canals Pose Health Threat - An Interview with George Meinig, D.D.S.
"Dr. Price undertook his investigations in 1900. He continued until 1925, and published his work in two volumes in 1923. In 1915 the National Dental Association (which changed its name a few years later to The American Dental Association) was so impressed with his work that they appointed Dr. Price their first Research Director. His Advisory Board read like a Who's Who in medicine and dentistry for that era. They represented the fields of bacteriology, pathology, rheumatology, surgery, chemistry, and cardiology.

At one point in his writings Dr. Price made this observation: "Dr. Frank Billings (M.D.), probably more than any other American internist, is due credit for the early recognition of the importance of streptococcal focal infections in systemic involvements."

What's really unfortunate here is that very valuable information was covered up and totally buried some 70 years ago by a minority group of autocratic doctors who just didn't believe or couldn't grasp - the focal infection theory. "

"you have kept dead, infected tissue, buried in the bone, within a couple
of inches from your brain."

But is the dead tissue always INFECTED tissue?

No !

How to sterilize your teeth ?

Use Silver Pulser few times a month !

Those devices may so vell sterilize body, that you may get problems with digestion. (It can kill also good bacterias, good intestinal flora .)

People who get heart attack, have always first destroyed their body with wrong diet and lifestyle and toxins, and than it is very easy for bacteria to cause an infection.
That infection may create toxins that may help causing heart attack.

But, not every person with heart attack have root fillings.
People who don't have root filings also die of heart attack!

But, those who have, have certainly one risk factor more!
There is no doubdt that infected tooth is source of dangerous toxins.

But, not every dead tooth is infected tooth!
But, every dead tooth may easy become infected tooth!

How to kill bacteria.

Electric current, strong magnetic feeld, strong electromagnetic radiation,
These are only some of the possibility to sterilize your teeth from INSIDE.

Different kind of zappers, Bob Becks pulser, Rife machine, Frequency generators, magnet machines ...

I have vitnesed many times tooth infection (with big swallen jaw and cheek) cured within 12 hours with help of zapper, or pulser, or some other kind of frequency generator. WITHOUT ANTIBIOTICS ! Doctors did not believe that that kind of infection kan be so fastly cured with electric current or with frequency.

What they do not know is that electric current is traveling thousand times faster than antibiotics, and can reach areas that antibiotics can't.

I have also experimented with 220V, AC, (Europen standard home AC). You can sterilize whole body in less then 1/20 of a second with this AC.

(WARNING! Do not do it yourself. That AC can kill bacterias and parasites, bu it can also harm you and even Kill YOU !) (Of course, To kill an avererage person you will need to expose it to that current for more than 60 sec, though you may dammage nerv system already after few seconds of exposure. So, do not play with 220V AC or with 110V AC )

Zapper , and Bob Becks pulser is far more safer.

So, my opinion is that infected tooth may be an importan cause of heart attack for some people, but, other people can die of heart attack even without having a root filling !

You can sterilize your teeth ! You do not have to wait for a bed diseases to start improwing your immunity!
Dusan Stojkovic


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Dr Hal Huggins, D.D.S.

in a lecture to the

Cancer Control Society 1993.

Tape 93F014. Cancer Control Society, 2043 N. Berendo St, LA, CA 90027. Ph: 213 663 7801.


Root canals

That is all we do to a dead tooth. We put a gold crown on it, looks like it has been bronzed. It doesn't really matter what you embalm the dead tooth with, it is still dead, and within that dead tooth we have bacteria, and these bacteria are in the absence of oxygen.

In the absence of oxygen most things die except bacteria. They undergo something called a pleomorphic change------like a mutation .. they learn to live in the absence of oxygen-now produce thioethers, some of the strongest poisons on the planet that are not radioactive.

These get out into the body and you may notice in the medical literature of 1900 they mentioned a few heart attacks, so it wasn't a big deal in 1900, but by 1910 2% of the US population, which is a lot of folks had had heart attacks.

By 1920---10% of the population had had heart attacks, and we are up to about 25% about 10 years ago, and everywhere you go you see joggers running around. Menus in the restaurant have this little heart over it because we are on low cholesterol diets what has it done. It has dropped the 25% down to around 43% .

We are going in the wrong direction and root canals are going up. In 1990 we did 17 million of them. This last year we did 23 million, and the ADA hopes by the year 2000 we reach 30 million a year.


Weston Price knew this back in 1920 - he would take a person who had had a heart attack, take out the tooth with the root canal, take a little segment of it, put it under the skin of a rabbit.

We have done this with guinea pigs, and in about 10 days that rabbit would die of a heart attack. And you could take it out and put it under the skin of another rabbit, and in 10 days he would die of a heart attack--he would do this to 30 rabbits and every one of them in 97% of the cases would die of heart disease.

What if they didn't have heart disease? If they had something else, the rabbit picks up the something else, but all of them that we have tested in this way have ended up with an auto immune disease in the kidney, and if you look at the work of Joseph Issels in Germany who for 40 years treated terminal cancer cases. He started on them when they had already had their chemo, surgery, radiation, then they came to him.


Patient No.3 was a 35-year-old white woman, with symptoms of advanced multiple sclerosis. After nine amalgam fillings were removed, her T-lympho-cyte level rose from 60% to 71%; It is not known what other long-term results may have occurred, although obviously such information would be interesting.

Patient No.2 was a healthy 20-year-old white male. when a composite filling was removed and replaced with a nickel-based crown, his T-lympho-cytes dropped from 63% to 56.7%. They rebounded to 73% when the nickel crown was removed and re-placed with gold.

Although the public is not aware of it, this nickel crown experiment is highly suggestive. Many dental crowns are formed on a nickel base. But nickel is a known carcinogen; industrial studies of worker exposure to nickel dust and alloys show that such expo-sure "will markedly increase the incidence of cancer." ( Quicksilver Associates)


"An abnormal T-lymphocyte percent of lymphocytes or a malfunction of T-lymphocytes can increase the risk of cancer, infectious diseases and autoimmune disease." - Dr Eggleston


"Nickel is not nearly as active as mercury, however, it corrodes and is far more carcinogenic. One of the most severe known reactions to nickel toxicity is described by Dr. Eggleston. A patient pre-sented herself to the Long Beach Memorial Hospi-tal with kidney disease. She was diagnosed as having idiopathic glomerulo-nephritis. They called it idiopathic because they did not know what was re-ally the cause of the kidney ailment. After examin-ing the patient, her family physician suggested that she be checked with electro-diagnosis. When this was done it was found that she was highly reactive to nickel. The doctor asked her if she had any den-tal work done within the past seven years. She said that she had three porcelain crowns put in by her dentist. The doctor explained that porcelain crowns have metal jackets (made of a nickel alloy) under-neath the porcelain and suggested that she have these crowns removed immediately. After the removal of the three crowns the patient lost all symptoms of kidney failure. This was one case in a million which was diagnosed properly. Her kidney problem was primarily due to the nickel toxicity. This was poi-soning her system."---John Lubecki, D.C.


"I have been told about a woman who had a breast tumor. Oncologists (cancer specialists) do not like to operate if there are signs of other infection. Her physician asked the woman to have an abscessed tooth taken care of before surgery. Immediately after the dental appointment, while lidocaine was present in her system, the woman had a Thermograpy x-ray that revealed a thin white line extending from her tooth, down her neck, through the tumor in her breast and on down into her stomach. In light of the discovery, her physicians decided not to operate. Four months later the tumor disappeared. That was the first time direct connection to disease following an acupuncture meridian was clinically observed and was an immeasurably important observation for western medicine. Every tooth has a separate acupuncture meridian running though major organs in the body.."---Tom Warren




Case history (diabetes): Sylvia Blank had a root canal tooth removed. She was diagnosed with diabetes 8 years ago and was crippled with joint aches, with violent intermittent shooting pains in her face and head, wheezing, recurring bronchitis and extreme fatigue. On extraction the head pains went more or less immediately. Her diabetic symptoms, stopped completely after a few weeks.

Case history: It was 1977. Just after I had a large filling done (amalgam), I started to salivate heavily, heard voices, and became quite disturbed. I went to a dentist to see about having the amalgams removed. Well, the dentist called my mother (I was 17 at the time), insisting that I have a psychological evaluation. The police put me in hand-cuffs and leg restraints (chains), and I was hauled off to an institution.

I was there for two weeks. I was heavily drugged, so badly that I could not stand or walk. I stayed on the medications for about a solid year. Immediately upon my stopping the medications, I went to a different dentist, insisting on removal. You are not going to believe this, but the dentist drilled about half of the amalgom out, and then capped the teeth with white porcelain or ceramic. On my last visit, I just happened to bring a mirror with me, which is how I discovered this. Well, I did not want another episode with mental personnel, so I decided to remove it myself.

I removed two at a time, and went to a third dentist, who filled them with those miracle-mix fillings, which emit flouride. Needless to say, my psychosis was relieved, for the most part, but not until I started taking heavy doses of vitamin B12, Bcomplex, and multivitamins. I was also taking zinc and iron suppliments.

I still suspect that I might have mercury or heavy metal problems, as my short-term memory is not up to par. I also have problems with attentiveness. My mind wanders. I am rather uncomfortable with medical personnel, at this point, as you might imagine. A female friend of mine had the same experience as mine, all starting in the dentist's chair.

Case history: She was shy, timid, spoke like a child, and was a diagnosed schizophrenic. Se-vere chest pain made her writhe in agony. She had tried to tear out her heart and she thought she was going to die.

She was bloated and had a poor com-plexion. She'd hyperventilate to the ex-tent that half her body sometimes turned red. There were problems with the thy-roid, liver gall bladder menses and, es-pecially, the nervous system.

The third day after her mercury-contain-ing dental fillings were removed, she laughed and said, "It's not going to get me. It's not going to be bad."

With time, everything improved. Her complexion cleared, the bloating de-creased, and she felt connected to her body again. Her thyroid became normal, she no longer felt pain on menstruation, her heart didn't hurt, and the schizophrenia was gone.



In the 1950's, German physician Dr. Josef Issels heard a lecture by Dr. Gerson, and subsequently successfully used alternative treatments in helping many cancer patients. Dr. Issels himself spent some time at the CHIPSA hospital, and, while there, pointed out the severe damage caused by root canal fillings. He said that he refused to treat any cancer patient who did not allow all "devitalized" (dead) teeth to be removed, as he found that he could not obtain good

results without this procedure.


George Meinig, PO Box 10, Ojai, California 93024. Tel: 001 805646 2865. Fax---1506

Hal Huggins, 5080 Lift Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. Tel: 001 719 548 1600.


Christopher Hussar, Reno, Nevada, USA. Tel 001 707 826 1200 fax----3001 (performed over 2500 cavitation surgeries)

David Kennedy


John Anderson, Penclawdd Dental Practice, 4 West End, Penclawdd, SWANSEA SA4 3JZ. 01792 850223.

John Roberts, 141 Whitworth Rd, Rochdale, LANCS OL12 ORE. Tel: 01706 525905/712935.

Robert Hempleman, Brompton Dental Clinic, 221 Old Brompton Rd, LONDON SW5 OEA.Tel: 0171 370 3132 Fax: 0171 244 0286.


Root canals:


Jorgen Steen Hartz & Caitlin Catley, Stotsalleen 11A, DK-2930 Klampenborg, Denmark. Tel 45 31 64 19 87.

Dental Publications/Groups

Heavy Metal Bulletin, (Monica Kauppi), Lilla Aspuddsv. 10, S-12649 Hagersten Stockholm, Sweden. Tel/fax: 0046 818 4086.

DAMS, Inc (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome Support Group), 6025 Osuna Blvd NE Suite B, Albuquerque,NM 87 109 2523,USA.Tel 001 505 888 0111. Fax 4554.

Bio Probe, PO Box 608010, Orlando FL 32860-8010. Tel: 001 407299 4149. Fax:----290 9670 Also supply dental books and publish the Ziff and Stortebecker books.

International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT)

P.O. Box 17597, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80935, (407) 298-2450

UK - John Roberts.


Recommended books:

The Mercury In Your Mouth---Quicksilver Associates, 10 East 87 Street, New York, NY 10128. Tel: 212 423 3074 Fax - 289 3046

The End of Cancer by Charlotte Dubois & John Lubecki, D.C.

It's All In Your Head by Hal Huggins

Root Canal Cover Up by George Meinig

Toxic Metal Syndrome by Casdorph & Walker

Dental Mercury Detox by Ziff


Oramedics (Dr Nara)




Preventative Dental Health Association (David Kennedy, D.D.S.)


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Chronic mercury poisoning?


Deception & Manipulation in the amalgam controversy


Mercury Page

Amalgam related illness--FAQ

The body and mercury

Toxic Deception

Dental Health Risks

"Mercury from Amalgam fillings contributes 3 to 4 times more mercury to our bodies than all the environmental sources combined."

Dental health Forums:

Dental Care & Amalgam
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Tooth Truth

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Uninformed Consent : The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care

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Prostate Health in 90 Days

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Beating Alzheimer's: A Step Towards Unlocking the Mysteries of Brain Diseases

Other Recommended books:

  • The Mercury In Your Mouth---Quicksilver Associates, 10 East 87 Street, New York, NY 10128. Tel: 212 423 3074 Fax - 289 3046
  • The End of Cancer by Charlotte Dubois & John Lubecki, D.C.
  • Root Canal Cover Up by George Meinig
  • Toxic Metal Syndrome by Casdorph & Walker
  • Dental Mercury Detox by Ziff

Dentists have the highest suicide and divorce rates among professional. Female dental personnel have a higher spontaneous abortion rate, a raised incidence of premature labour, and an elevated perinatal mortality.

Research has demonstrated that 100% of all root canals result in residual infection due to the imperfect seal that allows bacteria to penetrate. The toxins given off by these bacteria are more toxic than mercury. These toxins can cause systemic diseases of the heart, kidney, uterus, and nervous and endocrine systems.

"Electrogalvanism is frequently the cause of lack of concentration and memory, insomnia, psychological problems, tinnitus, vertigo, epilepsy. To name a few."---Edward Arana, D.D.S.


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