Blog: BUNNYpants and SIPPYcup - Eclectic Menagerie
by Aharleygyrl

Where To Buy Taheebo (Pau d' Arco, Red-Purple LaPacho) Tea

Lapacho is a proven antibiotic, often used in America to treat yeast infections, but is touted in South America as a cure for cancer and other diseases.

Date:   9/27/2007 5:41:50 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 53677 times

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You’ll find that there IS a difference between the different brands of Taheebo being sold, and that some are nothing more than outright frauds!

For instance, those brands where the capsule contains nothing more than the bark of the Taheebo Tree, ground into a powder. This is as useless as swallowing sawdust. In the issue exposing this fraud, I’ll name names!

The treatment generally has been to take the bark of the tree and either soak it or boil it in water to make a tea.  When this material was first introduced into the United States, it came on the rush of publicity in South America about a particular girl who was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and on whom the doctors gave up.  You can read more of the story on this web site.  Click here.

The girl was drinking more than 30 cups of this tea each day, but before long her cancer was gone.  When the product got popular in the US it was originally in the form of "loose bark" in bags, sold in health food stores.   People would buy the bark, make tea and drink it.

You can still do that.

The tea would be more effective if the bark is "soaked" rather than boiled.  Soaking takes longer, but preserves some of the natural elements which would be damaged by heat.

As this product became more and more popular, it became more and more obvious that the dosage needed to handle cancer was large and that even 30 cups of the tea didn't always work.  So, various companies started making an "extract" form of the bark.

Generally these extracts were made by soaking the bark in alcohol and water for some days, draining off the liquid, putting the liquid into bottles and selling them.  This is generally an effective technique, but leaves the customer with an alcohol "tincture" of this herb.

Vibrant Life has arranged a more advanced form of extract.   We have the bark soaked in a combination of alcohol and glycerin.  Both of these are good solvents for getting the active ingredients out of the bark.  Then the mass of bark residue is strained out -- leaving a liquid concentrate in the form of water, alcohol and glycerin. 

Then, this liquid mixture  is run through a low temperature vacuum chamber to drive off as much of the liquid as possible.  This leaves an oily mass which is highly concentrated as to the active ingredients in the bark, but it is a mass which cannot be "poured" into capsules.  It is too "sticky."

So, this oily mass is then mixed with dry, ground Taheebo bark to make the mixture sufficiently dry so that it will move through the capsule-making machines.

This material still contains a high degree of concentration of the active ingredients -- so that one capsule has about the same active ingredients as would six cups of tea.

As you can see the process is extensive and not cheap!

But, there are fraudulent vitamin companies out there which completely eliminate the extraction process.  They simply grind up the bark of the tree and pour that loose powdered bark into capsules.

They can legally claim that they have "Taheebo Capsules" but the contents of those capsules is nothing more than ground-up bark.

It is a fraud!

The bark, like all wood products, is largely cellulose and the body cannot digest or use cellulose other than as a fiber.  It does NOT get through the intestine into the body.

So, there are lots of people who think they are getting a valuable Taheebo product who are just swallowing sawdust!

I'll be naming names on this page as I find them.

The Vibrant Life product also has the sawdust in the capsule, but it is used ONLY as a filler to allow the extracted concentrate to be "pourable."

You could use those sawdust capsules by opening them up and mixing the contents with water to make tea, but the tiny quantity of bark in one capsule won't come close to making even one cup of tea.

So, many of the Taheebo capsules you'll find in health food stores are frauds.

Can you tell by looking at the label?

Well, even though it's not illegal to put the bark dust in a capsule and call it "Taheebo Capsules," it would be illegal to make a claim that this stuff is an extract.  It just isn't.  So, from my experience these products do NOT claim to be extracts -- they only make you think that you are getting an extract with some slippery words.

If you find one of these, send me the label and I'll write the manufacturer a letter telling them they are selling a fraudulent product.  If they don't withdraw the stuff from the market, or label it honestly, I'll put there names here.

Check back.

Full manufacturing process:

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LaPacho (Pau d' arco)

Chest 416
Herbal Tea from South America 
This herb comes from the inner lining of the LaPacho tree. It is rich in minerals (calcium, magnesium and iron) and considered to be anti-viral, anti-fungal and cancer fighting. Blending with
Yerba Maté
will increase LaPacho's properties.

Brewing tip: 1 tbsp., 212o, 5-15 min.

4oz (112g) of fine loose herbs. h1 { font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 20px; color: rgb(51, 0, 0); ); }

Yerba Maté

Chest 434
Herbal Tea from South America 
This healthy alternative to coffee is consumed in many parts of Latin America as a refreshing start to the day. It contains relatively small amounts of caffeine and does not produce jitters or acid stomach. Rapidly gaining popularity in America and Europe as a weight-reducer, it is said to act as a natural hunger and thirst-suppresser, whilst supplying vitamins and minerals to the body. Blended with other herbs it enhances their healing powers much like a catalyst. As a pain reducer it helps alleviate headaches and arthritis. Available: Roasted (tastes like coffee), Organic Green: unprocessed (smoky and vegetal), MateChino ( a delicious almond/vanilla liquor) ,or Coco Latté (cocoa, almond and vanilla). Maté can be brewed in a fashion similar to loose leaf tea, or traditionally, using a
Cuia bombilla.

4oz (112g) of fine loose herbs.

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Pau d Arco Tea ( Purple Lapacho ) - 25 Tea Bags

Pau d Arco Tea is a delicious, all-natural way to reduce Inflamation and Pain and to boost immunity.

Skillfully hand-harvested by native Paraguayan experts, the inner bark of the Purple Lapacho™ tree yields naphthoquinones, anthraquinones and other phytopharmaceuticals that generate remarkable health-promoting benefits. Scientific research has shown these substances to be:

  • Anti-inflamatory

  • Anti-viral

  • Anti-oxidant

  • Anti-bacterial

  • Anti-fungal

  • Anti-yeast

  • Parasiticidal

Other Independent Research Reveals: That the Paraguayan Pau d’Arco used for this Wisdom of the Ancients® tea contains “4 times the amount of medicinal flavonoid compounds and other important bioactive substances” than the Brazilian Pau d’Arco tested.

Q: Is it normal to experience nausea when drinking Pau d’Arco? A: Some people do experience nausea when drinking Pau d’Arco. This occurs because Pau d'Arco is helping to detoxify your system. The tea causes toxins to be released from the tissues and carried out of the body. When these toxins enter the blood stream they can cause nausea. The body is cleansing and healing itself and the nausea should not last for more than two to four days.
Q: What is the difference between Lapacho and Pau d’Arco? A: There is no difference. Pau d’Arco is the Brazilian or Portuguese name. Lapacho is the name of the same tree in the Spanish language.
Q: Can Pau d'Arco be used for treating foot fungus? A: Yes, Pau d'Arco is widely used for treating foot fungus.

Serving suggestion: Add 12-14 bags of Pau d’Arco to two quarts of water (demineralized water is preferred) or 1 bag to a mug. Heat slowly, and then simmer for 10 minutes.

No Genetically Modified Organisms. Product of Paraguay.

Ingredients: 100% inner lining (Phloem) of the Pau d’Arco (Purple Lapacho™) tree (Tabebuia Impetiginosa).

  • Brand: Wisdom of the Ancients / Wisdom Herbs
    Pau d Arco Tea (Purple Lapacho) - 25 Tea Bags

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  • Reduce Inflamation and Pain.
  • Boost Immunity.

    Sympacho®: Is an unprecedented blend of herbs that contains an array of vitamins, minerals, naphthoquinones, anthraquinones and phytopharmaceuticals. Pau d’Arco (Lapacho) is renowned for bolstering the immune system, reducing inflammation and pain and for its anti-microbial properties. Licorice Pepper is extolled for rapidly easing symptoms of colds and flu. Yerba mate has been heralded as the most powerful rejuvenator known to man. And Stevia is a naturally sweet herb that nourishes the pancreas.

    In combination, these herbs make Sympacho® a remarkably healthful and delicious tea that also helps you unwind – whether you’re curled up with a good book, or preparing for a restful night’s sleep.

    Serving Suggestion: One quart formula – Add 6-8 bags of Sympacho® to 1 quart of very hot (not boiling) water. Steep 5-6 minutes. Mug-size formula – Add 1-2 bags of Sympacho® to 1 cup of very hot (not boiling) water. Steep 5-6 minutes. Sympacho® is delicious served hot or iced.

    No Genetically Modified Organisms. Product of Paraguay.

    Ingredients: 100% inner lining (Phloem) of the Pau d’Arco (Purple Lapacho™) tree (Tabebuia Impetiginosa), Licorice Pepper (Piper dilatatum L. Rich), Yerba mate (Ilex Paramariensis), HoneyLeaf® Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni). 

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    Pau d'Arco (Purple Lapacho) 25 Tea Bags (available in loose tea, also)

    *Reduce Inflammation & Pain

    *Boost Immunity

    Skillfully hand-harvested by native Paraguayan experts, the inner bark of the Purple Lapacho™ tree yields naphthoquinones, anthraquinones and other phytopharmaceuticals that generate remarkable health-promoting benefits. Scientific research has shown these substances to be:








    Other independent research reveals that the Paraguayan Pau d’Arco used for this Wisdom of the Ancients® tea contains “4 times the amount of medicinal flavonoid compounds and other important bioactive substances” than the Brazilian Pau d’Arco tested.

    No GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) Product of Paraguay Serving Suggestion: Add 8-9 heaping Tbs. Pau d’Arco to two quarts of water (demineralized water is preferred). Heat slowly, then simmer for 10 minutes. So not boil and do not use a metal pot. Strain.

    Ingredients:100% inner lining (Phloem) of the Pau d’Arco (Purple Lapacho™) tree (Tabebuia Impetiginosa)

    Another source on

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    Pau D`Arco Bark - Cut & Sifted, 1 lbs
    Frontier Natural

    Pau D`Arco Bark - Cut & Sifted, 1 lbs

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    Pau D'Arco Bark Alcohol Free 1 oz.
    Gaia Herbs

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    Nature's Answer Pau D'Arco Alcohol Free Extract 1 FL Oz

    Nature's Answer Pau D'Arco Alcohol Free Extract 1 FL Oz

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    PAU D'ARCO TEA has shown that it may hold the secret for the successful treatment of cancer and other diseases. There has been widely published article on Pau d'Arco that whole Lapacho has produced clinical anti-cancer effects without side effects.

    The Incas named it the "Giver of Life" and used it for centuries as their primary medicine.

    The Incas named it the "Giver of life" and used it for centuries as their primary medicine. Yale University botanically classifies it a Lapacho and while it grows all over south America, the Incas found the best variety at the end of the legendary Inca trail in northern Argentina, Argentines call it Lapacho Colorado, the " Purple Lapacho" due to it's lavender flowers.

    In Brazil the general public calls them Pau D' Arcos. However, Brazil's Pau D' Arcos were not used by the Incas. They grow over 2000 miles away from the Incan capital in Brazil's central Amazon. The Inca's secret is out. Know what they knew. Drink form the true Pau D' Arco tree, the ancient Incan purple Lapacho.

    Species: Tabebuia impetiginosa, Tabebuia Heptaphylla

    Pau D' Arco has been useful in treating:

    • Anticandidal
    • Antiviral
    • Antibacterial
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Cancer
    • Viral infection
    • Bacterial infection
    • Fever-reducer
    • Venereal and rheumatic disorders
    • Skin disorders, especially eczema, herpes and the mange.

    PAU D'ARCO is a natural grown herb that is derived from the inner bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa (Taheebo) tree grown in South America. Pau d'Arco Tea has been used for many centuries by the Indio tribes of South America. The ancient Incas and Aztecs were probably the first to be familiar with the herbs healing powers. Stories abound telling of its miraculous curing powers.

    Yale University botanically classifies it as a Lapacho and while it grows all over South America, the Incas found the best variety at the end of legedary Inca Trail in northern Argentina.

    Argentines call it Lapacho Colorado, the "Purple Lapacho" due to its lavender flowers.

    Throughout South America the Lapachos, the world's 2nd hardest trees have various common names depending on their country of origin. In Bolivia the locals call them Taheebos, in Brazil the general public calls them Pau d' Arcos. However, in Brazil the general public calls them Pau d' Arcos. Brazil's Pau d' Arcos were not used by the ancient Incas. They grow over 2000 miles away from the Incan capital in Brazil's central Amazon.

    Over the last 15 years there have been many reports and testimonials from terminal cancer victims relating their miraculous cures of this deadly disease.

    1. Wally Nilson: El Cariso Village, California

    This is the story of Wally, who lives over the hill near in El Cariso Village:

    Several years ago I noticed my absentee neighbor, Marcel, was sitting up by his barn on the property next to mine. He was sitting with a friend enjoying the sunny day and chatting with his long time acquaintance. I drove up the road to say "Hello" as I always did when I saw him on his infrequent visits to the undeveloped property that he purchased many years ago. He was sitting with Wally, our neighbor, who has operated his heavy equipement business for too many years to recall. I knew Wally and had used his services to clear portions of my property from time to time. I was shocked to see Wally in the decimated condition that he was. It was obvious to me that Wally was near death. He had been diagnosed to die within four months.

    I immediately rushed back to my house where I always keep a few pounds of Pau D'Arco Tea and gave a pound to Wally, with instructions on where to buy some more from the "Mom & Pop" business in Los Angeles.

    One day, about three months later, I listened to a message from Wally on my telephone recorder. Wally stated "Hey Rog, I just wanted to thank you for the tea. I couldn't drink much everyday because most of my digestive system had been removed as the result of my cancer. I drank as much as I could and now there is nothing wrong with me. The cancer is completely gone!"

    2. A Trilogy

    This is three testimonials taken from an old publication called "Pau d'Arco" written by Louise Tenney which has been widely disseminated.

    One woman in Utah who has been suffering with cancer for over a year, started taking the tea and found relief within a twenty four hour period. She said this was the first time she had felt human in months. She continues to take the tea daily and after several weeks is free from pain. It is too soon to know what benefit it is toward eliminating her cancer, but if she can get relief from her pain without taking drugs I am sure that she will always be grateful.

    A man in Florida who has used the herb, Pau d'Arco, for several months. He was diagnosed as having prostate cancer and had suffered with it for over a year. He told me that he used the herb for thirteen days and noticed a feeling of well-being, but when he really noticed the benefits of the herb was when he stopped eating white sugar products and started taking vitamins and minerals along with his tea. It was then only fifteen days that he really noticed a change in his health. When I spoke to him in March, 1982 he told me that he was told by his doctors that his cancer is completely gone.

    A man from Illinois had suffered from a gum disease called Pyorrhea which caused him a great deal of pain that usually developed into an abscess which meant a trip to the dentist where he lanced and drained the abscess and put him on antibiotics. He was really worried because Pyorrhea ends up in loose teeth which usually ends up having to pull the teeth. This man came across Pau d'Arco in November, 1981 and after using it for twenty-four hours found amazing results. The pain subsided, the swelling went down and the pus pocket was gone. He was then convinced of the value of Pau d'Arco and was no doubt thrilled to have been able to save his teeth.

    The Inca's secret is out. Know what they knew. Drink from the true Pau d' Arco tree, the Incan Purple Lapahco.

    INSTRUCTIONS: Maximum usage: Add 10 grams (4 tea bags) of Incan Lapacho tea (1/3 oz.) to 4 cups of boiling water, let boil until the 4 cups reduce to 3 1/2 cups (appx 10 min.) Moderate usage: 5 grams (2 tea bags) and repeat instructions. Minimum usage: 2.5 grams (1 tea bag) steeped in 1 cup of hot water. Maximum effect-drink continuosly throughout the day in small sips at regular intervals.

    Plantation Grown

    The barks contained within this package were taken from Purple Lapacho trees growing on or near the acient Inca Trail.

    Brand: Incan Lapacho Co.
    Pau D'Arco Tea, Incan Purple Lapacho - 48 Tea Bags

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    PAU D'ARC0 TEA - Medical experts throughout the world are now saying...


    We are temporarily out of stock. Due to labor problems our shipment of Pau d'Arco tea is delayed. Please check back. Or, you can email us and we'll put you on the list to contact as soon as it arrives.

    PAU D' ARCO is a natural grown herb that is derived from the inner bark of the Tabebuia Avellanedae or Tabebuia Impetiginosa (Taheebo) tree grown in Pau d' Arco Tea has been used for many centuries by the South America . The ancient Incas and Aztecs were probably the first to be familiar with the herbs healing powers. Stories abound telling of its miraculous curing powers.

    Professor Walter Accorsi and Dr. Theodoro Meyer, the two modern discoverers of the healing power of Pau d'Arco, assess the herb to be the bearer of great medicinal powers. Doctors and healing specialists throughout the world now recommend Pau d' Arco tea for the treatment of many diseases.

    Through my personal experiences over the past several years I have seen the miraculous curing powers of the tea with many cancer victims. I have researched the other so called Alternative treatments for cancer such as Laetrile, Shark Cartilage, Cat's Claw and Essiac. These remedies are widely discussed and the varying results continue to be debatable at best.

    PAU D'ARCO TEA, on the other hand, has shown that it may hold the secret for the successful treatment of cancer and other diseases. Dr Daniel B. Mowry, PhD, states in his widely published article on Pau d'Arco that "whole Lapacho has produced clinical anti-cancer effects without side effects." Read Dr. Mowry's extensive research and history of Pau d'Arco published here. Over the last 15 years I have received many reports and testimonials from terminal cancer victims relating their miraculous cures of this deadly disease.

    Medical practioners in South America have used Pau D'Arco Tea as a primary treatment for cancer for many decades. I hear stories on a weekly basis that relate the remarkable results of using this amazing herbal remedy.

    Unfortunately, American health food and herb stores are NOT a good source of obtaining high quality lapacho or pau d'arco. A vast majority of commercial pau d'arco or lapacho is void of significant activity. The reason is primarily lack of quality control at every stage of the enterprise; gatherers, unaware as to which parts of the plant contain the active material, harvest all parts of the plant; curers, unaware of the traditional pau d'arco or lapacho curing practices, make assumptions that are more often wrong than right; shippers pay little attention to protecting the material from the hazards of transportation; manufacturers,  unaware of what constitutes really good pau d'arco or lapacho (having never bothered to go to South America and have a look), don't have any idea how to set up quality control or standardization practices that guarantee activity.

    Clinical Laboratory Studies Show Cancer Cell Destruction

    This article will summarise the results of clinical research studies conducted by the company, "Taheebo Japan Co., Ltd." located in Osaka, Japan . Clinical laboratory tests were conducted at Tokyo University and other profession medical laboratories which culminated in the issuance of United States Patent Number 5,663,197 on September 2, 1997.

    Taheebo Japan then produced and marketed a substance called "NFD" which they marketed as a tea product and priced the product at $280.00(US) per pound.

    This patent proves that constituents extracted from the Tabebuia Avellanedae ( Pau d'Arco) tree bark "remarkably inhibits the growth" and "exhibits selective toxicity" of 23 specific types of cancer cells. The compound also "was found to inhibit the growth almost completely" and "cause necrosis (death)" in 12 specific types of malignant cancer tumors.

    Here are the 23 different types of cancer cells listed in the study:

    ·         Human Lung Adenocarcinoma A-549 Cells

    ·         Human Lung Adenocarcinoma VMRC-LCD

    ·         Human Lung Adenocarcinoma SK-LU-1

    ·         Human Lung Squamous Carcinoma

    ·         Human Colon Adenocarcinoma WiDr

    ·         Human Prostate Cancer LNCaP

    ·         Human Squamous Cell Carcinoma A-431

    ·         Human Cervical Carcinoma HeLa

    ·         Human Cholangiocarcinoma HuCC-T1

    ·         Mouse Melanima B16 (M4)

    ·         Human Malignant B-Cell Lymphoma

    ·         Human Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia K-562

    ·         Human Pancreatic Carcinoma ASPC-1

    ·         Human Neuroblastoma IMR-132

    ·         Human Urinary Bladder Carcinoma T24

    ·         Human Renal Cell Carcinoma VMRC-RCW

    ·         Human Gastric Cancer NUGC-2

    ·         Human Thyroid Carcinoma 8305C

    ·         Human Breast Cancer MRK-nu-1

    ·         Human Hepatoma HUH-7

    ·         Human Ovarian Carcinoma TYK-nu

    ·         Human Chorio Carcinoma BeWo

    Here are the 12 different types of malignant tumors listed:

    ·         Human Lung Anenocarcinoma

    ·         Human Colon Anenocarcinoma

    ·         Squamous Cell Carcinoma

    ·         Cervical Carcinoma

    ·         Pancreatic Carcinoma

    ·         Lung Carcinoma

    ·         Bladder Carcinoma

    ·         Renal Cell Carcinoma

    ·         Thyroid Carcinoma

    ·         Cholangiocarcinoma

    ·         Ovarian Carcinoma

    ·         Chorio Carcinoma

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