Blog: This time I am going to succeed! (40 days)
by almostmd

Thank goodness this weekend is over!

The worst weekend to start a fast

Date:   5/28/2007 9:28:49 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 3073 times

This weekend had to be the WORST weekend ever to start a fast!
My birthday was Friday. Then my mother in law did a birthday dinner for me
of Saturday! THEN My mother had a cookout on Sunday and Monday! I am happy to report that I did eat the healthiest I have ever eaten before at these things though. For that I am very proud. I even lost 3 lbs.
I have chosen not to beat myself up. This seems to be harder to start now that I am serious. I have not told anyone that I am doing this fast. I get soooo much grief from other people. Like I read in someone elses blog. ALL of a sudden everyone becomes an expert and tells you that you are killing youself and you are only going to gain the weight back. THATS WHY IT IS CALLED A LIFESTYLE CHANGE PEOPLE!!!!!! Of course you are going to gain you weight back if you don't change everything about how you look at food and what role food plays in your life as well as what and how much you eat!
Right now I am sooo excited for tomorrow! I had my last meal as an unhealthy fat chick and now I am going to change myself! This week should be great. The only thing that I have on the agenda is to organize some things in my house. Take my sons to the park and go to the gym. Maybe some swimming as well.
Can't wait for new beginnings and getting back to my old self.
Have a great night sleep and I WILL be talking to you tomorrow.

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Comments (6 of 6):
Good luck! Lovey 17 y
The weekend is over seuni… 17 y
Encouragement katiemarie 17 y
Re: Me too! almostmd 17 y
Your MC seunim 17 y
Me too! chopsticks 17 y
All Comments (6)

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