Blog: 40 Day Fast and Emotional Adjustment
by sparkys_wrath

First Day of my fast and other mutterings......

First day!

Date:   5/18/2007 12:55:28 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2479 times

Hi. My name is Laurie and I am starting a 40 day fast.
I am 26 and overweight. I have a history of severe abuse and trauma as a child.
I have obsessed over my victimization for far too long and have developed an eating addiction that has ruled most of my life. These are not the important facts for me. What's important is that I take the helm of a future of my own creation.
I will break an addiction.
I will learn to let go of a memory.
I will learn to live now so that when I die I will not be frightened by the prospect of having led a useless victimized life where I accomplished nothing.

So, now that we have the serious stuff out of the way, let me tell you about the good stuff. I joined Roller Derby after years of inactivity and I will be attending some classes to enrich myself. I am excited by this new window this doorway that is opening for me and yet scared because I have never allowed myself to accomplish much of anything.

I weigh 205 pounds and I have never eaten well. I have fasted for up to 3 days, but I always break it by eating unhealthy foods. I plan to eat mostly raw foods after this.

I write this blog mainly for myself. To keep myself in check. But hey, if it helps anyone else out.....well I guess I can feel like a hero for a couple of hours.

So today I drank so far orange juice and carrot juice. I also drank coffee....and I better not get any flack from anyone about that! I will drink coffee!!!


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long fasts deeep_seeker 17 y
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