Blog: Rippy's 1st Master
by Rippy

A week later

After the fast....has been difficult and having doubts about if I should have continued a little bit longer.

Date:   5/21/2007 11:02:47 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1643 times

Well, day 21 went fine and then I started with the juice. First, I thought that it would be awesome to have something different but the orange juice was so sour (and I had been drinking lemon with water). I decided after two days that I was going to begin eating. I had some vegetable soup, basically a broth with carrots and cabbage in it. It was great and then by friday my husband made me some sauteed mushrooms and spinach which I LOVE! He had it with steak, which I craved but I knew my stomache would not be able to handle it.

I continued with soup and veggies and fruit. Sunday (last night) I had a meal of stuffed tomatoes which had meat. I have just felt incredibly bloated and have had a lot of problems with bowel movements, when I do have one I just feel like there is so much more left.

I keep wondering if maybe I should have continued with the master cleanse because my tongue never got pink, it was still coated. I just really couldn't continue but my stomach is just YUCK.

I have put back on about 3kilos since I have begun eating, I had lost 12. I think I have been having to much....the thing I wanted was to be able to stop when I was full but the cravings have returned. I am fighting it but it is hard. It was so much easier when it was controlled what I could and couldn't have. I think that maybe I need to make a weekly menu of something.

I think that I will now do a juice fast because my stomach is just not doing so hot. I don't like this bloated feeling maybe it is because it was so empty for awhile that this is normal and I don't like normal anymore.

I don't know how long you need to wait to do the master cleanse again. I think maybe just a few days of juicing and then gradual again with food might be ok. More raw....I think that it a major thing.

TTFN, Rippy

Sorry about that wait in writing. As soon as I know what I am doing I will write again. Probably in a day or two. Adjustment is hard.

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Edited godsbeloved79 17 y
awesome! fizzi4me 17 y
~Congratulations~! Zoebes… 17 y
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