Blog: my master cleanse journey
by thecollikinsbaby1

day 2!!! today!

still goin

Date:   4/3/2007 8:34:53 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 2852 times

so when i woke up i really felt the laxative working from last night. i didn't think there was anything left to come out, but i did have a few BM's before leaving home.

since i had errands to run, i couldn't do the SWF in the morning. during my errands i walked a lot and it felt good. i was hungry, but thank GOD i drank one glass of lemon mixture before i left or else i think i would have fainted.

when i got home it was late and i didn't drink the SWF until 4:30. it wasn't AS bad as yesterday. when i drank it yesterday my head was throbbing and i felt SOOOOO sick. but today it's really not as bad.

i'm hoping to do some type of workout still, but it looks like i might have to skip out on that. i'm still having BM's since i took the SWF only 2 hours ago. infact..i have to run to the b-room again right now!!! each time i go i feel better and better. i'm almost thankful for the nausea while it lasts b/c it takes my mind and stomach away from being hungry.

i smell my roommate cooking. it smells SO good! my sense of smell has definitely heightened. when i take the dog outside i smell spring in the air....listen to the birds....things i usually am not as in tune with...

so far the hardest thing is being hungry- and feeling sick from the SWF. i have to remind myself to drink more of the lemonade. it helps calm my hunger. yesterday i only had like 3 glasses. today only 2. i need to have another one soon.

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Thinking of starti… bskbm… 17 y
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