Blog: These Pipes Are Clean...Or My Adventures Master Cleansing
by quadskater

The adventure is over.

Master Cleanse Failure/Success.

Date:   1/2/2007 6:43:23 PM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1760 times

From 9 P.M. last night until 10:30 A.M today I attempted to do the Master Cleanse. It was a failure, but in away I am happy I failed at this. I reluctantly drank a "laxative tea" that tasted like spinach. It didn't do anything but give me a weird sloshing sensation in my stomach. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom, but at the same time I didn't have to go and I was up all night with a cold.

I drank about 3 glasses of the lemonade drink. It made me feel kind of naughty. Nobody knew what I was doing and it tasted a bit alcoholic. Like some spicy lemon cocktail. I felt fine except for my cold.. But something was definately wrong. Nothing physical. It was all psychological. I didn't have any cravings. I just felt something weird inside my head.

The article in the News about how fasting isn't necessary, the article about women passing out on the subway because of poor nutrition. Then I remembered New Year's Eve and how I ran 4 miles. This morning my entire office congratulated me.

As I was half way through my work day. I started questioning my motivation for fasting. I knew I wasn't looking for spiritual enlightenment. I really wanted to lose weight. All my life I've had weight issues. As a teenager, I binged and purged, took laxatives and dieuretics to lose weight only to see myself weigh 265 lbs. I realized I was only doing this because it seems trendy, cool, and for all the wrong reasons.

It took me 7 years to lose weight. I did it on my own. No gimicks, no surgery. Just good old fashioned exercise and portion control. I lost 115 pounds.

Master Cleanse is for me. I am not comfortable with taking laxatives, even if it is in the form of a tea. I'd rather exercise, eat sensibly, and enjoy what I am eating. I'm not going to deprive myself. As a matter of fact this payday, I'm going to buy myself a pair of boots. I'm also going to get that new cell phone, AND buy myself those Tiffany earrings.

I may still make the lemonade though, if only for my cough.

I'm glad I found Cure Zone. It has a lot of great resources.

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Comments (2 of 2):
addendum quadskater 18 y
Good luck! Faran 18 y
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