Blog: Master Cleanse for 14 days
by Katsklau

Day 8 and 9

I broke the fast...kinda....

Date:   7/2/2006 8:37:24 PM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 3107 times

I broke my fast on day 8 (not purposely) with a piece of tomatoe. I had to have the stupid tomatoe so I ate the whole tomatoe. I stopped at the tomatoe. I had a smooth move at night to try to get back on track. Can you get back on track after a tomatoe?

Day 9's BM was still sludgey only with tomatoe. I think the tomatoe helped push some stuff out. I also had a little food today. Drinking the Clarkia with no food throughout the day was making me queasy and light headed. I had about a 1 cup of food for the whole day. Some boiled plantain, tomatoe, green beans and rice. All in all 1 cup. Interestingly enough I couldn't stomach anymore. I also noticed after I ate the food I felt sluggish and heavy. I know you should come off a cleasne with solids but I have read some blogs that say you can. It wasn't much food so I am still not giving up on cleansing. Plus I still have to finish out this parasite cleanse and my flush. I will start over again tomorrow so I can finish out the 14 days maybe I will tack on 2 more for the eating on day 8 and 9

I also did a workout today. And on a fun note, I went to play handball with my husband (in the rain) for about an hour, we had so much fun and I sweated like a pig.


P.S. So far dark BMs but no worm or critters Seunim, maybe tomorrow.

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Comments (10 of 10):
Natural Health Edi… MaleR… 18 y
Master Cleanser HoppyFrog 18 y
Re: Prarsites seunim 18 y
Re: Are you sure i… Katsk… 18 y
Re: burning Katsklau 18 y
Are you sure it's … peanu… 18 y
burning tambee 18 y
Re: Congrats on su… Katsk… 18 y
How much water are… peanu… 18 y
Congrats on succee… peanu… 18 y
All Comments (10)

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