Blog: Fasting to Spring
by mirabilia

Noon of day 9

feeling good today

Date:   4/5/2006 4:41:21 AM   ( 18 y ) ... viewed 2528 times

Well I really meant to put a question mart to the end of the headline as I had to count days today to remember how long have I been doing that :D It's funny. I would think I know exactly for how long I haven't been eating by now! I also keep forgetting to weigh myself (should do tomorrow hopefully...).
I feel good, today. Mood is up and so is energy. I was able to run to the bus this morning, ha! But I can't seem to sleep very well. I just lay there awake and no position seems good eneough. I do sleep, some, but it's really hard to FALL asleep. I have no problems waking up tho, which is good. I feel no more need for coffee, it's a relief - I thought that would be the hardest thing to give away.
Bf commented on my weight loss yesterday. It's a miracle, he never notices me losing (oh, he does notice me gaining!). So it must be something lost. My belly isn't shrinking tho, which is weird. Right now I have quite a flat upper stomach and then there'e this stack of fat in the middle of it. Does it make any sense? Will it go away? Well, it must!
I'm really bored with my juicer. I have to filter everything and it makes the process quite time-consuming. I thought it's much cheaper to juice my own things instead buying juice from juice-bar but now I think it isn't. I live really far north, we still have snow and the soil is frozen, so no local fresh things. And fruits and greens are quite expensive. I didn't think I need so much of them to get a decent amount of juice. Well, time to learn a lesson!

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Comments (13 of 13):
Re: Juicer mirabilia 18 y
Re: You can do it mirabil… 18 y
Juicer midge 18 y
Re: Organic? mirabilia 18 y
Organic? setwrflwr 18 y
You can do it midge 18 y
You're doing great! midge 18 y
Re: Oh No!! mirabilia 18 y
Re: you can fix it mirabi… 18 y
you can fix it finallyfai… 18 y
Oh No!! midge 18 y
Re: Taking care of… mirab… 18 y
Taking care of the… bbles… 18 y
All Comments (13)

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