Blog: Camp Love
by 100th monkey

Thoughts on living strangely...

pretty drastic seems pretty okay to me

Date:   9/11/2005 8:23:02 AM   ( 19 y ) ... viewed 1916 times

..whatever 'strangely' is, lately, my friends think I'm it. While I'd like to argue, if you listen to mainstream society, you'd have to agree with them. Why? Well, because over the last 8 months I've become conscious of my health and so have made several lifestyle changes that reflect that. These days I eat primarily raw food, have begun meditating, and recently have added uropathy to the routine. Last year at this time I was smoking nearly two packs of cigarettes a day, smoking marijuana everyday, and eating an unlimited amount of whatever tasted good. No limits, I did not care. Now, however, I do care and last year seems like a long time ago. I've come a long way quickly and yes, I can see that it's pretty drastic, but at the same time, considering where I was coming from pretty drastic seems pretty okay to me. I just know that I am MUCH happier now than I was last year and I credit my lifestyle changes (and CZ!) for much of that, regardless of all the crap my friends and family give me for them.

Thanks to everybody- for reading my blog, and for making CZ the great place that it is.


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Comments (8 of 8):
Re: Detachment 100th monk… 19 y
Detachment MissW 19 y
YAY Monkey!!!! MissW 19 y
Thanks! 100th monkey 19 y
Re: Welcome! 100th monkey 19 y
one step at a time… kermi… 19 y
Welcome! vibr8 19 y
Good choice, it so… kermi… 19 y
All Comments (8)

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